Monday, January 30, 2023

Puritan Corner - Riches.....

 "Riches are . . .
  long in getting — with much pains,
  hard in keeping — with much care,
  quick in losing — with more sorrow. 
by Thomas Fuller (1710-1790)
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. 
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

Excuses about Sabbath show....

Hearken unto me, you that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear not the reproach of men, neither be afraid of their revilings Isaiah 51:7
"It is very easy for a person to convince himself that he has a good
excuse for disobeying God’s law, but we have no reason
to suppose that God will accept man’s opinion as the standard of the Judgment.
The very fact that people offer excuses for not keeping the Sabbath is proof that in their hearts they believe that the Sabbath law is still binding. If it were not, there would be no need of an excuse." 
E.J. Waggoner

Creation Moment 1/31/2023 - A Scientist that gets it

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:9
"In God’s beautiful nature, with the colorfully blossoming mountain meadows in front of you and the gigantic snow-capped ten thousand footers behind them, the murmuring brooks beside you and the ringing of the cow-bells around you, hearts automatically begin to admire God’s creation and wisdom and cannot but praise the intelligence behind such manifold beauty.
A. E. Wilder-Smith (1915-1995), scientist with three earned doctorates

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Living that Life

"Christ lived by the Father, and we are to live by Him. 
John 6 
5 7 As the living Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father: so he that eats Me, even he shall live by Me. 
The life which the Father lived in Jesus of Nazareth is the life which He will live in us if we will yield to Him
No other life than that will be a perfect life." E.G. Waggoner

Creation Moment 1/30/2023 - Debunking the Fables of "cosmic evolution"

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables...
2 Peter 1:16
"Now, one popular idea is that life (or at least life’s building blocks)
was seeded to earth via a stellar visitor, such as a meteorite. And a recent article claims that by mimicking “cosmic evolution” in the lab, researchers have created some of the building blocks of life. But what’s really going on here?
Well, these scientists tried to recreate conditions in outer space from “billions of years ago” to attempt to answer the question: did amino acids (the building blocks of proteins which are essential to life) form in our solar system or in an interstellar cloud? 
Believing these amino acids could form in clouds, the researchers created ices and blasted them with radiation. That radiation broke the molecules apart, and they reformed into amino acids, such as ethylamine and glycine. The researchers believe it was amino acids, like the ones formed in their experiment, that then ended up on asteroids, which then ended up on earth, and from there, life began.
Life is infinitely more complex than a few amino acids lying in some sticky residue. 
---It requires 20 different amino acids, arranged in meaningful ways to build proteins and also needs an entire language system to build and use these proteins . . . so one or two amino acids isn’t getting even close to anything resembling life! 
It’s worth noting that, toward the end of the article, the researchers acknowledge that “even after simulating asteroid conditions, the amines and amino acids they produced still didn't match those in meteorites.” So what they created in the lab doesn’t even match what we find when we examine actual meteorites, the supposed “spaceship” that brought these amino acids to earth! (They believe this may be due to contamination, but further research from outer space will answer that question in the near future.) 
Also keep in mind with research like this that anything involving a simulation involves a host of assumptions from the researcher and intelligence in designing the experiments. 
For example, these researchers are assuming the initial conditions from supposed billions of years ago and the conditions of the asteroids these amino acids supposedly hitched an interstellar ride on. Wrong assumptions result in wrong conclusions!" AIG

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Rich & Poor: Take a Lesson from God.....

Unlike man who tries to put the "poor" on a pedestal...or the "rich" who try and buy the pedestal....
God is Impartial....
 You shall do no injustice in judgment. 
You shall not be partial to the poor
nor honor the person of the mighty
In righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.
Leviticus 19:15

What those 2 Texts show us.....

".....text in the New Testament which speaks of the first day of the week.If the first day of the week, or Sunday, is the Sabbath, surely we shall find the facts stated in some one of those texts.
Matthew 28
1 In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other 
Mary to see the sepulchre. 
Mark 16 
1 And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and  Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him. 
2 And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun.
We do find something about the Sabbath, however. 
Read again the texts quoted above.
The one from Matthew tells us that the women came to
the sepulchre immediately after the Sabbath, on the first
day of the week.
In Mark we are told that they came “very early in the
morning the first day of the week,” but not until “the
Sabbath was past.
The two texts show us that the first day of the week immediately follows the Sabbath; and the last one shows verse plainly that no matter how early one arises in the morning of the first day of the week, the Sabbath will already be past.
E.J. Waggoner

Creation Moment 1/29/2023 - Sabbath since the Creation

"....when we consider the meaning of the word “hallow.” 
Webster defines it thus: To make holy; to set apart for holy or religious use; to consecrate.
The word in the original is defined similarly.
 It is the same word that is rendered “sanctified” in Genesis 2:3, and “appoint in Joshua 20:7. 
The fourth commandment, then, tells us plainly that God commanded the Sabbath to be kept holy in the beginning.
Turning to the 1st chapter of Genesis we read the record of
the first six days of time, in which the heavens and the earth,
and all that they contain, were created, the work of each day
being specified. 
At the close of the sixth day God looked over the whole of His creation,
Genesis 1
...and behold, it was a very good.

He was satisfied with His work, because it was perfect. 
The record continues:
Genesis 2

1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the
host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had
made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work
which He had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because
that in it He had rested from all His work which God created
and made." E.G. Waggoner

Friday, January 27, 2023

How to EASILY Answer the Sabbath Question

"Christ’s life is the only perfect life. His life on this earth was a
perfect pattern of what man’s life ought to be.
1 John 2 
6 He that says he abides in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked. 
It is by His life that we are saved. 
Romans 5 
10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 
Now there is no question but that our Lord when on this earth observed the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.... That was the same day that the Jews profess to keep today. 
It was the seventh day of the week, commonly called Saturday. 
It was and is entirely distinct from the first day of the week, which is called Sunday. 
Then the fourth commandment enjoins the observance of the seventh day, and our Lord himself kept that day, calling it the Sabbath, our question is answered, and the answer is that." 
E.G. Waggoner

Creation Moment 1/28/2023 - What Constituted "a Day" at the Creation?

"The second verse of the Bible tells us that darkness was upon the face of the deep, that is, upon the chaotic mass which had been spoken into existence. 
The next act of creation is recorded in the third verse:
Genesis 1
And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.
This constituted the first day’s work. 
The evening, the darkness, and the morning, the light, were the first day. 
Here it is seen that in the first day the dark preceded the light part, and consequently the same order must necessarily follow in all
succeeding days. The record of creation is alone sufficient to
show that the day begins with the evening." E.G. Waggoner

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 All they that heard it wondered at those things.  
Luke 2:18
"WE must not cease to wonder at the great marvels of our God. 
It would be very difficult to draw a line between holy wonder and real worship; for when the soul is overwhelmed with the majesty of God's glory, 
though it may not express itself in song, 
or even utter its voice with bowed head in humble prayer, 
yet it silently adores. 
Our incarnate God is to be worshiped as "the Wonderful." 
That God should consider His fallen creature, man, and instead of sweeping him away with the besom of destruction, 
should Himself undertake to be man's Redeemer,
 and to pay his ransom price, 
is, indeed marvellous! 
---But to each believer redemption is most marvelous as he views it in relation to himself. 
It is a miracle of grace indeed, that Jesus should forsake the thrones and royalties above, to suffer ignominiously below for you. 
Let your soul lose itself in wonder, for wonder is in this way a very practical emotion. 
Holy wonder will lead you to grateful worship and heartfelt thanksgiving. 
---Feeling the presence of the mighty God in the gift of His dear Son, you will put off your shoes from off your feet, because the place whereon you stand is holy ground." 
Charles Spurgeon

Your Biological Connection to the Sabbath

".....that the Sabbath was then sanctified for the use of some future generation, for to every command there must be two parties: 
1.The one commanding, and 
2.The one commanded. 
----A command cannot be made unless someone is present to receive it. 
In this case God issued the command, and Adam and Eve were the ones to whom it was directed. But they represent all who should afterward live upon the earth.
 Genesis 3 
20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve [Hebrew: Chavah: that is, Living]; because she was the mother of all living.  
It follows, then, that the Sabbath commandment embraces the whole world; all who have descended from Adam and Eve." 
E.J. Waggoner

Creation Moment 1/27/2023 - "even the best science in the long run will wind up with false conclusions"

Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Psalm 104:30
"If you exclude the supernatural from science, then if the world or
some phenomena within it are supernaturally caused -- as most of the world's people believe -- you won't be able to reach that truth scientifically. Observing methodological naturalism thus hamstrings science by precluding science from reaching what would be an enormously important truth about the world.  
It might be that, just as a result of this constraint, even the best science in the long run will wind up with false conclusions."
Alvin Plantinga, philosopher

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

IN the NEWS - Greasing the Skids of the Beast

....for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Revelation 18:23
 "Hate speech laws, 
a digital database for the unvaccinated, 
deranged climate change rhetoric, 
bans on gas water heaters, gas stoves, and gas furnaces, 
the loss of all earthly possessions, 
and the loss of civil and religious liberties 
are all coming sooner than we think, as world leaders at the World Economic Forum are currently planning, proposing, and conspiring to change our world." AdventMessenger

Creation Moment 1/26/2023 - At Creation

 "It is evident from the reading of the fourth commandment that the Sabbath did not originated at Sinai, for we are referred to the creation of the earth, and told that at the conclusion of that work God “blessed” and “hallowed” the Sabbath day (Ex. 20:11). 
----It must, therefore, have been in existence at that time; 
a thing that has no existence cannot be blessed, 
neither can it be hallowed."  
E.J. Waggoner

The "Really" File - (The Lady Madonna did what?)

 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18
"Madonna has launched an attention-grabbing photo montage in Vanity Fair Italia, posing variously as the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ and featuring dolls apparently representing dead babies.

Madonna also poses three times as Jesus Christ during the Last Supper, surrounded by half naked women and holding up bread in apparent reference to the Catholic Mass.
From the "Really" File
Madonna plays the role of victim of vicious attacks by the Catholic
Church in which she was raised.
In Rome, “I was fiercely criticized by the Catholic Church,” she asserts, adding that while she was promoting In Bed with Madonna, she was astounded to see herself attacked by the Church, “because it incapable of understanding how
much my work was trying to produce something good
In this very special issue, Madonna becomes Madonna again: an icon. Not just the embodiment of a musical trend or a style of dress, but a figure as disturbing as she is sacred,” said Olivier Bouchara, Head of Editorial Content for Vanity Fair France." Breitbart

Creation Moment 1/25/2023 - Darwinians Getting Goofier

 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh... Psalm 2:4

"This one from University College London seems too goofy to be genuine.
Split-second of evolutionary cellular change could have led to
(University College London, 23 Jan 2023).
A newly-published hypothesis, led by a UCL researcher, suggests a momentary leap in a single species on a single day millions of years ago might ultimately have led to the arrival of mammals – and therefore humans.
We wouldn’t be surprised if John Martin and Paolo D’Avino are planting a hoax to see if Darwinians will take them seriously. If this is “education” now, the common man and woman needs to be home schooled.
Published in the Journal of Cell Science, Professor John Martin (UCL Division of Medicine) thinks a single genetic molecular event (inheritable epigenetic change) in an egg-laying animal may have resulted in the first formation of blood platelets, approximately 220 million years ago.
In mammals and humans, platelets are responsible for blood clotting and wound healing, so play a significant role in our defence response. Unlike our other cells, they don’t have nuclei – so are unique to mammals, since other classes of animal such as reptiles and birds have blood clotting cells with nuclei.
It gets goofier. Humans are related to the duck-billed platypus?
The researchers suggest that millions of years ago a
mammalian ancestor – possibly an animal related to the duck-billed platypus – underwent the very first formation of platelets, thanks to a sudden genetic change in the nucleus of its blood clotting cells that meant normal cell division did not take place causing the cells to increase in size
The story could pass muster in the Darwin Party because it includes all the usual requirements: storytelling form, high perhapsimaybecouldness index, completely materialistic, driven by chance, and contributing to human evolution.
It’s not April Fool’s Day yet, but we’re not buying it
This must be a hoax. 
Q: Can some of our readers browse the paper and see if there is any serious basis for the claim? 
Q: Does it show signs of a parody? 
Q: How can anyone believe that instant platelets became inherited by Mrs Platypus, they laid an egg and humans hatched out? (roughly speaking).
One odd thing is that a Google search for this hypothesis is not getting much traction. Perhaps the Darwin Party is trying to see if creationists will fall for their latest scam. Sorry. We know Darwinists are immoral storytellers, but this is over the top." CEH

Monday, January 23, 2023

What Declared With Power Christ To Be The Son Of God?

---And declared to be the Son of God with power, 
---according to the spirit of holiness, 
---by the resurrection from the dead...Romans 1:4

Creation Moment 1/24/2023 - The Data Hopper vs. God

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,....
Colossians 1:16
"Antiquated views of scientific authority (i.e., scientism: the belief that the scientific method is the path to objective truth) treated science like a thing – some entity out in neutral space free from human bias.              
 Anyone could put data into a hopper, 
    turn the crank of the scientific method, 
     and truth would pop out. 
    It didn’t matter who turned the crank, 
or who chose what data to put into the hopper." 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

IN the NEWS - More Testing of Arguments for Sunday Sacredness via Secular Law

Howbeit in vain do they worship me, 
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Matthew 7:7
"MercatorNet is an Australia-based publication that is directed by a Roman Catholic editor.
They have adopted the widely shared belief that the repeal of the Blue Laws has led to death and despair. There are forces at work to inflame public interest and excitement about Sunday laws. 
And here we have another group of journalists who are reiterating this call right now.
On January 18, 2023, MercatorNet published an article titled “Gimme that old time religion: Did it Protect Americans from Deaths of Despair?” in which it stated that the repeal of the Blue Laws caused people to die early.
The following was published by MercatorNet:
The dechristianization of society is hard to assess and harder to predict. But we can ask: is this good news or bad news? According to a research paper released last week by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a prominent
think tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is bad news. It is, in fact, literally deadly
In an original and thought-provoking use of statistics, the researchers examined deaths of despair after American states repealed their ‘blue laws’. These were laws which banned commerce on Sundays so that people could observe the Sabbath by attending church services and spending more time with their families. Regulations varied from state to state, but typically the sale of alcohol was restricted or banned and department stores were closed. Many of the repeals took place in the 1980s.” 
What happened as a result? They report that: We find that for middle-aged Americans, the repeal of blue laws had a 5- to 10-percentage-point impact on weekly attendance of religious services and increased the rate of deaths of despair by 2 deaths per 100,000 people. Applying these results to the decline in religion at the end of the century suggests that this decline could be responsible for a reasonably large share of the initial rise in deaths of despair.” 
Those who applaud the decline of religion in the public square in the US should be careful what they wish for. Church attendance protects some vulnerable people from social isolation, introversion, alienation and even death.”
The law of unintended consequences is always at work. We have all experienced this with the Covid lockdowns. Back in the 1980s, repealing the blue laws was meant to make life more convenient. For most people, it did. But for an unlucky few, it turned their lives upside down. It even killed them.”
There you have it. 
Repealing the Blue Laws has killed people. It has brought despair, turned lives upside down, caused church attendance to decline, and led to social isolation, alienation, and death. 
This situation is threatening everyone on the planet
For those who are alive today, death and despair are an inescapable truth, we are being told. We are on the road to extinction. Until we bring back Sunday rest by law, society will continue to deteriorate, and more people will die in despair.
This is not the rambling of a small group of people. This is being promoted by the so-called experts, and the media is disseminating their argument all over the world. In fact, inspiration predicts that this is what will happen in these last days:" AdventMessemger