Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The "Really" File - (The Lady Madonna did what?)

 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18
"Madonna has launched an attention-grabbing photo montage in Vanity Fair Italia, posing variously as the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ and featuring dolls apparently representing dead babies.

Madonna also poses three times as Jesus Christ during the Last Supper, surrounded by half naked women and holding up bread in apparent reference to the Catholic Mass.
From the "Really" File
Madonna plays the role of victim of vicious attacks by the Catholic
Church in which she was raised.
In Rome, “I was fiercely criticized by the Catholic Church,” she asserts, adding that while she was promoting In Bed with Madonna, she was astounded to see herself attacked by the Church, “because it incapable of understanding how
much my work was trying to produce something good
In this very special issue, Madonna becomes Madonna again: an icon. Not just the embodiment of a musical trend or a style of dress, but a figure as disturbing as she is sacred,” said Olivier Bouchara, Head of Editorial Content for Vanity Fair France." Breitbart