Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Creation Moment 1/25/2023 - Darwinians Getting Goofier

 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh... Psalm 2:4

"This one from University College London seems too goofy to be genuine.
Split-second of evolutionary cellular change could have led to
(University College London, 23 Jan 2023).
A newly-published hypothesis, led by a UCL researcher, suggests a momentary leap in a single species on a single day millions of years ago might ultimately have led to the arrival of mammals – and therefore humans.
We wouldn’t be surprised if John Martin and Paolo D’Avino are planting a hoax to see if Darwinians will take them seriously. If this is “education” now, the common man and woman needs to be home schooled.
Published in the Journal of Cell Science, Professor John Martin (UCL Division of Medicine) thinks a single genetic molecular event (inheritable epigenetic change) in an egg-laying animal may have resulted in the first formation of blood platelets, approximately 220 million years ago.
In mammals and humans, platelets are responsible for blood clotting and wound healing, so play a significant role in our defence response. Unlike our other cells, they don’t have nuclei – so are unique to mammals, since other classes of animal such as reptiles and birds have blood clotting cells with nuclei.
It gets goofier. Humans are related to the duck-billed platypus?
The researchers suggest that millions of years ago a
mammalian ancestor – possibly an animal related to the duck-billed platypus – underwent the very first formation of platelets, thanks to a sudden genetic change in the nucleus of its blood clotting cells that meant normal cell division did not take place causing the cells to increase in size
The story could pass muster in the Darwin Party because it includes all the usual requirements: storytelling form, high perhapsimaybecouldness index, completely materialistic, driven by chance, and contributing to human evolution.
It’s not April Fool’s Day yet, but we’re not buying it
This must be a hoax. 
Q: Can some of our readers browse the paper and see if there is any serious basis for the claim? 
Q: Does it show signs of a parody? 
Q: How can anyone believe that instant platelets became inherited by Mrs Platypus, they laid an egg and humans hatched out? (roughly speaking).
One odd thing is that a Google search for this hypothesis is not getting much traction. Perhaps the Darwin Party is trying to see if creationists will fall for their latest scam. Sorry. We know Darwinists are immoral storytellers, but this is over the top." CEH