Sunday, January 29, 2023

Creation Moment 1/30/2023 - Debunking the Fables of "cosmic evolution"

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables...
2 Peter 1:16
"Now, one popular idea is that life (or at least life’s building blocks)
was seeded to earth via a stellar visitor, such as a meteorite. And a recent article claims that by mimicking “cosmic evolution” in the lab, researchers have created some of the building blocks of life. But what’s really going on here?
Well, these scientists tried to recreate conditions in outer space from “billions of years ago” to attempt to answer the question: did amino acids (the building blocks of proteins which are essential to life) form in our solar system or in an interstellar cloud? 
Believing these amino acids could form in clouds, the researchers created ices and blasted them with radiation. That radiation broke the molecules apart, and they reformed into amino acids, such as ethylamine and glycine. The researchers believe it was amino acids, like the ones formed in their experiment, that then ended up on asteroids, which then ended up on earth, and from there, life began.
Life is infinitely more complex than a few amino acids lying in some sticky residue. 
---It requires 20 different amino acids, arranged in meaningful ways to build proteins and also needs an entire language system to build and use these proteins . . . so one or two amino acids isn’t getting even close to anything resembling life! 
It’s worth noting that, toward the end of the article, the researchers acknowledge that “even after simulating asteroid conditions, the amines and amino acids they produced still didn't match those in meteorites.” So what they created in the lab doesn’t even match what we find when we examine actual meteorites, the supposed “spaceship” that brought these amino acids to earth! (They believe this may be due to contamination, but further research from outer space will answer that question in the near future.) 
Also keep in mind with research like this that anything involving a simulation involves a host of assumptions from the researcher and intelligence in designing the experiments. 
For example, these researchers are assuming the initial conditions from supposed billions of years ago and the conditions of the asteroids these amino acids supposedly hitched an interstellar ride on. Wrong assumptions result in wrong conclusions!" AIG