Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Creation Moment 5/12/2022 - The Secular are Amazed

The Secular are Amazed at the Uniqueness of our Universe -- all the diversity yet governed by the same Laws....But that makes sense to have a Universe built as such in the context of a DESIGNER. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,... Hebrews 11:3
"Perhaps the most striking result of modern science is our
understanding that the same laws of physics and chemistry apply across the vastness of space and time. 

Physical and chemical laws are the same everywhere and everywhen. This allows for us earth-dwelling creatures to expand our inquiries across the whole universe.

We also know — and this is another striking discovery of modern astronomy — that most stars come with a court of planets, and that planets tend to have their own lot of moons. Each one of these is its own world, with unique physical properties and chemical makeups. There are large and small planets; rocky and gaseous ones; planets with many moons, just a few, or none. Planets spin like tops, with a large or small tilt. (The Earth’s tilt is 23.5° from the vertical; Uranus’s is an amazing 97.7°.) Planets can have thicker or thinner atmospheres with different gasses in them. The list goes on." BigThink