Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Blotting Out in the 2 Sanctuaries

"The work of mediation in the earthly sanctuary was a representation, in figure, of the real work of Christ, the true High Priest, as He pleads before His Father, in the heavenly sanctuary, for those who, with truly contrite hearts, confess their sins to Him. (Heb. 8:4,5; 9:13,14,24) 

...as in the typical service, there is a pardon for the repentant believer; and in the closing of the service (cleansing of the sanctuary), a blotting out of sins, which blotting out is a final decision of the cases of the righteous. 

-*- In the type, the sins blotted out one year were remembered again the next year, (But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. Heb. 10:3) because the blood of beasts did not actually take away their sins
-*- In the blotting out to be accomplished by Christ, the sins of His people will be remembered no more. 
So this final work of Christ, as the true High Priest, in blotting out the sins of God's people -the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary - must be the passing of judgment on their cases."
J.N. Loughborough