Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Clerical Trickery in relation to the Primeval Sabbath

"....a certain class of opponents of the primeval Sabbath with the
assertion that only nine of the ten
commandments are given in the New Testament, and that the Sabbath is purposely left out. This view is expressed in different terms. 
It is sometimes stated that:
Every other precept of the Decalogue is re-affirrmed in the
New Testament excepting the Sabbath.
And it is not infrequently the case that ministers will so far presume upon the ignorance and credulity of the people as to affirm that nine of the ten commandments are given verbatim in the Old Testament, and that the Sabbath of the Old Testament is carefully kept out of the New.
With these statements which, as we shall show, are utterly void of truth, .. We freely admit that the fourth commandment is not given verbatim, that is, word for word, in the New Testament. And it is just as true that only the three short commandments are thus repeated. Thee sixth, seventh and eighth only are repeated in the New Testament.

Does this fact release men from keeping the first, second,
third, forth, fifth, ninth and tenth? No, indeed.
Romans 13
9 You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall
not steal.

These are the only precepts of the Decalogue which are repeated word for word in all the New Testament. Let the most critical eye search this matter fully. 
----If they are so grossly ignorant of the subject as to shield them from the charge of clerical trickery, and uttering deliberate falsehood in the house of God, they have no business meddling with the subject, until they have studied it.
The ten precepts of the moral code did exist from the days of fallen Adam, and were binding on the people before they were spoken from Sinai, and written upon tables of stone.
This is evident from the fact that the Bible contains a record of the very sins which are the violation of each one of the ten commandments, as existing before the law was declared in the hearing of the people at Sinai
We stand upon the grand old moral code, the only document in the universe that has the honor to have been spoken by the voice of God in the hearing of the assembled people, and to have been engraven with His finger on the tables of stone. 
Do our opponents declare that moral code revised, so that only nine of its precepts should be observed by Christians? 
Then we inquire:
Q: What prophet has foretold that this should be done?
Q: What apostle has recorded the facts that this has been
A: The Bible is silent upon the subject. No such revision of the
moral code has taken place." James White