Thursday, February 17, 2022

Creation Moment 2/18/2022 - The Book of Genesis is the Only Coherent and Systematic Account

"We are clearly told in the book of Genesis that God created the
heavens and the earth in a very short sequence of time, six literal days. 
The Hebrew text is grammatically put together using a specific verbal construct called a waw consecutive that defines historical narrative. 
Each individual day (yôm) is further defined by the nouns evening (‘ereb) and morning (bôqer) and an ordinal number (e.g., the sixth day, yôm hašiššîy [Genesis 1:31]). 
If this weren’t clear enough, the six-day creation is affirmed twice in Exodus: “For in six days the LORD (Yahweh) made the heavens and the earth” (20:11, 31:17). 
Furthermore, we are told in these verses and also in Genesis 2:2 that God rested on the seventh day, which Hebrews 4:4 cites in the New Testament: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works.” 
This is where we get our seven-day calendar week, the only demarcation of time not built on a solar or lunar cycle.

--In contrast to the Scriptures, evolutionists would like us to believe that the universe somehow exploded into existence and then self-assembled itself through random, chance processes into galaxies, solar systems, stars, and planets. Then the essential information-rich biomolecules for life mysteriously popped into existence on Earth and self-assembled into a fully replicating cell.

--This initial cell line then supposedly evolved through random mutation “acted on” by a mystical agent called natural selection into the plethora of plants and animals we see in the fossil and living records. And of course, there’s no observable natural process to account for any of this materialistic speculation. In both the fossil and living records, we see creatures fully formed in their various kinds without any evidence of biological evolution whatsoever (e.g., transitional forms).

Thus, the obvious implication from the incredible
engineering of our solar system, the earth, and all the living systems it contains is that an all-powerful and all-knowing Creator brought them into existence, and the book of Genesis is the only coherent and systematic account of this."