Wednesday, February 16, 2022

IN the NEWS - Sunday as a "Solution"?

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10: 4, 5
"On February 11, 2022, Religion Unplugged published an editorial
under the title, “Not Just Nostalgia: Some Pandemic-Weary Souls Want To Make Sunday A Day Of Rest Again.” The purpose of this article is to highlight the fact that “Sunday,” as a “day of rest,” is “drawing renewed consideration nationally.” 

The editorial then goes on to show how Sunday, the presumed day of rest, has become secularized, and how there is a campaign to reclaim Sunday as a day for rest and church attendance:

  • The return of the Sunday Blue Laws is supported by political commentators and legal scholars.
  • By rejecting the Sabbath and not having a Sunday-trading ban, society loses.
  • Christians are banding together to ensure that their packages are not delivered on “the Lord’s Day” due to “Amazon’s Sunday delivery schedule.” 

Blue laws, Sunday-trading bans, and safeguarding the Lord’s Day are all gaining traction across the country. This is exactly what the editorial says. Both religious and political leaders are looking to Sunday as a solution to humanity’s problems in the face of severe political, economic, and social turmoil during this “pandemic.” The overall goal is to bring back Sunday rest in order to create a new world of lasting peace and security for all people.

So here we have another call by a religious entity, Religion Unplugged, advancing the idea of Sunday rest through law." AdventMesseger