Thursday, February 17, 2022

IN the NEWS - The Backwards World of GoFundMe

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

So let me get this straight: The dudes that run GoFundMe will block money raised for
Canadian Truckers who are peacefully protesting government overreach in a supposedly free western socierty -- then
GoFundMe will be as brazen as to brag about their attempt to STEAL the money for the truckers (until U.S. state attorney generals stepped in and threatened to sue) -- But GoFundMe will allow minors to crowd fund so as to destroy their bodies before they are able to reach adulthood?...SPEAKS VOLUMES OF THE CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE WHO RUN IT...just saying...
"Thirteen-year-old Emily Waldron of the U.K., who appeared on the BBC to talk about being transgender, is currently crowdfunding his sex change. He has been on puberty blockers to “stop her biological male body slipping into puberty,” as the Mail put it, since he was 12. His parents purchase his puberty blockers privately, and they’ve
raised £14,000 on GoFundMe for this purpose.
According to Stephanie Davies-Arai, founder of Transgender Trend, children are “side-stepping the National Health Service,” which has warned of some of the long-term dangers of these treatments. But many private clinics at home and abroad are willing to do what the NHS will not, and children convinced they are trans are obsessed with transitioning. According to the Mail:

Crowdfunders are paying for puberty-blockers taken by children, as well as for operations by private surgeons who remove teenagers’ breasts or construct them, remodel their genitalia to simulate a penis or vagina, and remove internal female or male anatomy — including the womb — to match their preferred sex.

Hundreds of children and teens have apparently already done this

Nineteen-year-old Bella Fitzpatrcik from Cumbria took only weeks to raise £20,000 for sex change surgery at a private clinic. A young woman named Ash put out a GoFundMe to have her breasts removed: “I am here to raise money so that I can get a bilateral mastectomy. My chest dysphoria gets harder to deal with every day…Although I am lucky enough to live in a country with free healthcare, it is a painfully long wait to transition on the NHS. Some people are waiting years. So I am going private!

Nineteen-year-old Jo is trying the same thing, launching a crowdfunder to get her hands on testosterone and begin the attempted “transition” to male

Eighteen-year-old Phoenix Howard from Grimsby is trying to crowdfund £8,000 to get her breasts cut off by a private surgeon in London. “Type the phrase ‘crowdfund trans-surgery’ into the internet and hundreds of messages, videos and posts from British teenagers and twenty-somethings appear, all asking for money to fund treatment,” the Mail noted." Lifesite