Saturday, January 30, 2021

IN the NEWS - Antifa - Robin Hood - Men in Black - Curfews

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1

Those of the 2nd French Revolution still Ravaging Pacific Northwest despite their allies and sympathizers winning control of the federal government in November elections...
"A large group of Antifa terrorists rioted at the ICE building in South
Portland this week. Mainstream media went radio silent on the attack when "60 Antifa terrorists burned American flags and threw projectiles and mortar explosives at federal police officers," according to Federal Inquirer. Despite fleeing the US because of Antifa death threats, Conservative journalist Andy Ngo posted a series of videos Thursday showing the clash between Antifa terrorists and federal police.
 Portland Police Bureau told local news KATU that "the group began blocking traffic by moving construction cones and barriers into the street just before 10:00 p.m." Wednesday night. Thirty minutes later, police said the group lit a dumpster on fire, and that was when federal officers exited the ICE building and began to repel protesters. Meanwhile, the Biden administration calls for "unity" and continues to label Trump supporters "domestic terrorists" while ignoring Antifa attacks on federal agents, law enforcement personnel, private and government property. " ZeroHedge

Big Tech comes to the aid of the Wealthiest as Populist Wave (led by Gamestop, AMC) Rocked Wall Street Globalist Elites....Now Robinhood app joins forces with modern Sheriff of Nottingham (Google)..."
"Hedge Funds Face More Than $70 BILLION in Losses After Reddit Prank...
Google has been actively removing a flood of negative reviews
for the Robinhood app from the
Google Play Store, according to The Verge, which reports that "Robinhood users organized campaigns to give the app a one-star review on Google's Play Store and Apple’s App Store," and were able to 'review-bomb' it down to a one-star rating over the company's decision to restrict purchases of GameStop, AMC and other stocks amid a crowdsourced campaign to trigger short squeezes.

Robinhood came under intense scrutiny on Thursday, after the stock trading app announced it would block purchases of GameStop, AMC, and other stocks made popular by the r/WallStreetBets subreddit, and some users have already replaced their deleted one-star reviews with new ones to make their anger heard. -The Verge

 Meanwhile, Robinhood is only allowing "limited buys" of various stocks, while at least one lawsuit has been filed against the company for "removing Gamestop from its trading platform" earlier this week." ZeroHedge/PJMedia

Men In Black Rock Denmark over extreme Lockdowns....
"Five people were arrested in Copenhagen on Saturday night after demonstrations against the country's coronavirus restrictions turned violent, resulting with a puppet of the Danish Prime Minister being set on fire.....which has sparked outrage among several party leaders and politicians from both wings.
Organized by a group calling itself "Men in Black", the demonstrations targeted restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
Protestors shouted "freedom for Denmark" and "we have had enough".
"Men in Black" has previously arranged demonstrations in Aalborg and Copenhagen, which ended with riots and several arrests.The most recent took place on January 9, when a total of 23 people were arrested and seven people were later remanded in custody." TheLocal
Anti-Curfew Unrest Grips Netherlands....
"Anti-curfew riots in the Netherlands have continued for several evenings, with violence incited in various cities via social media networks.
 The protests started as a demonstration against a new curfew, from 9 p.m.-4.30 a.m. local time, which was introduced last Saturday to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The protests have quickly turned violent. In various cities — including The Hague, Tilburg, Enschede, Venlo, Roermond, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and 's-Hertogenbosch — rioters clashed with the police, who used horses, dogs, water cannon and tear gas to control the situation. Protesters have thrown fireworks, looted supermarkets and destroyed shop windows
In Enschede, a hospital was attacked by rioters on Tuesday night, with attempts made to smash windows, and in Tilburg, a clothing store was destroyed by a firework bomb. Previously, in Urk — a small fishing town — young rioters set a government COVID-19 testing facility on fire.
 The police arrested 131 people across the Netherlands on Tuesday — mainly for public assault and incitement to violence via social media. Most of the arrests — in total, 81 — took place in the port city of Rotterdam." DW