Saturday, January 30, 2021

Creation Moment 1/31/2021 - Three Eclipsing Binaries

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God... Hebrews 11:3

"The system, known as TYC 7037-89-1, is located about 1,900 light

years from Earth in the constellation Eridanus. It is the first known example of six stars making up a trio of eclipsing binaries, known as A, B and C.

The primary stars in all three binaries undergo periodic eclipses, passing in front of each other as viewed by TESS. The changing light curves show all three primary stars are slightly more massive than the sun, but about as hot. The secondary stars are roughly half the size the Sun.

---The two stars making up the A binary orbit each other every 1.3 days 
---while the stars in binary C orbit each other every 1.6 days. 
---The A and C binary systems, in turn, orbit each other every four years. 
---The two stars in the B system orbit each other every 8.2 days, but they take about 2,000 years two complete an orbit around the sextuple system’s center of gravity.

Multiply-eclipsing multiple systems such as TYC 7037-89-1 enable simultaneous, precise measurements on the stellar sizes, temperatures, and potentially masses, of pairs of stars ....” said Kostov..." AstronomyNow