Saturday, January 30, 2021

ON the Streets of Babylon: Naked Men & Money seen on the streets (rivers) of Babylon

 Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be some "Naked Men" seen on the Streets (Rivers) of Babylon...
"A Charismatic prophet from Nigeria has been arrested by the Police for a little stunt that went viral, after he was filmed performing a “money-making ritual” by throwing money at a bunch of naked men in the river.
The action by Mr. Onyebuchi Okocha, founder of Children of Light Anointing Ministries and popularly known as Prophet Onyeze Jesus, was just one of a series of bizarre actions that have him on people’s radar and which prompted the police to step in.

The other issue of note is claiming he will raise several people from the dead later today, January 28th, prompting the government to issue a bulletin to morgues and hospitals several days before, telling them to keep an eye on their corpses and not give the prophet access to them."