Sunday, November 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - Reset the Children?

They TARGETED YOUR CHILDREN with LGBT, they TARGETED YOUR CHILDREN with Climate Change and now they TARGET YOUR CHILDREN for the Great Reset....
 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, 
he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
 "Sesame Street has sold its soul — your children’s souls too, if you’ll let it — to the Great Reset.

On a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘The Great Reset: Resetting education with Sesame Street’, the blue Sesame Street puppet Grover tells his impressionable young listeners:

At first it was hard when nobody could go to school and I could not visit my friends like Elmo or, well, even Oscar the Grouch. But then we learned to have video play time. It was a lot of fun and made me feel better.”

Just in case any children fail to understand that the Great Reset is their friend, Grover is on hand to make a hilarious joke about it.

I know a thing or two about resetting. I reset my alarm clock every morning. Hahahahahaha.

Then he adds: “Resetting the entire world. That is a very big job.”

At no point, obviously, does either Grover the blue sock puppet, or his handler Sherrie Westin — President of Social Impact and Philanthropy at Sesame Workshop — raise the possibility that the world might not actually need or want a ‘Great Reset’. Its importance is a given.

Some of us are old enough to remember an era when this kind of blatant propaganda came only from countries behind the Iron Curtain and when we in the West treated it with the appropriate scorn and horror.

This won’t be the case if the Great Reset gets its way. It will become the New Normal." Breitbart