Sunday, November 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - Great Reset -- Image Building Assistants?

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.... And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,....
2 Timothy 3:13/Revelation 14:9
What IF this Great Reset is achieved? At least part of it? 
What part could this Global Restructure play in implementing the mark of the beast? This would seem the perfect piece of the puzzle to help set up an IMAGE TO THE BEAST (global counterfeit Sabbath) in the right hands of the 2nd Beast. And since we are about to have a CATHOLIC GLOBALIST at the helm of the 2nd beast who is a fan of the Green religion (a possible carrot stick for global acceptance of the mark---one side begins the push here to appease an angry Father God and the rest go along in the name of honoring an angry mother earth...common ground achieved). 
Q: Behind the veil between the seen and unseen in this Great Controversy---what made him skip running in an open race in 2016 and wait until now to challenge an incumbent which a harder race to win?
"The Great Reset seeks to execute an intrusive and wholesale
transformation of the world’s economy and the economic system we have known since the beginning of time.
It seeks to radically alter the world’s economy by: abolishing money in deference to digital currency, which the government would be able to adjust and control; eliminating all private property, and greatly reducing the potency of democracy for the sake of a “New World Order.”
In a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum, Kerry said Biden is ready to not only rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement – which would literally eliminate more than a million jobs in the US – but be the driver for the “Great Reset whereby unelected global bureaucrats would literally take control of the sovereign governments of the world.

A critical part of new Biden-European Commission relationship,

according to von der Leyen, includes implementing a new “rulebook for the digital economy and the digital society.”

The titular leader of the Globalist movement, which seeks to undermine the sovereignty of all nations, von der Leyen said:

“So, covering everything from data to infrastructure, but also talking about security and democracy, technology to fair taxation, all of these are topics on the table with digital change. So, ladies and gentlemen, the need for global cooperation and this acceleration of change will both be drivers of the Great Reset. And I see this as an unprecedented opportunity.

“It’s good to have a friend in the White House. We should not forget what kind of strength we can develop…we need a new agenda and of course, we will have to start with the most pressing issue which is COVID-19…the second big topic is climate change, fighting climate change…the third topic is the tech topic.”

The media will also play a huge role in the Great Reset, von der Leyen suggests. New York Times columnist Ben Smith said the media sees themselves as rule-makers; the anointed class that sets the national agenda." NW