Sunday, November 22, 2020

IN the NEWS - Curfews Next? Taste of 2021?

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1
Lockdowns and now CURFEWS for Adults in western democracies? A taste of 2021? A taste of more social unrest?

"Video on Twitter surfaced late Saturday - showing hundreds of demonstrators -  lining the streets of Hunting Beach to denounce the new curfew. 
RT News said it began "trending on Twitter, as both supporters and critics weighed in on the small act of civil disobedience.

Lee Greenwood's patriotic song, "God Bless the USA," could be heard playing in one video as patriotic flags were waved.

Demonstrators also burned coronavirus masks as a crowd was heard chanting: "Burn that mask! Burn that mask!" Folks at the rally must have read the latest study from Denmark, outlining how masks do very little to stop COVID-19.

Los Angeles said Orange County sheriffs and other Southern California law enforcement officials did not enforce the curfew.

More protests, not just in California, but in other parts of the country, are expected in the weeks ahead as state and local governments enforce more draconian measures. 

With anti-curfew/lockdown protesters out in the streets on both sides of the Atlantic as the pandemic ravages the Western world and could result in a double-dip recession - the socio-economic implosion, along with the public health crisis, is expected to continue through early 2021."