Saturday, October 24, 2020

IN the NEWS - Glorifying Headhunting going mainstream?

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
"Social media giant Instagram, which routinely removes ‘offensive’ content, has refused to remove a ‘black art’ image
depicting the severed heads of white people, arguing that “people may express themselves differently.”
The image was posted by an account called ‘supportblackart’ and features two obese black women carrying the severed heads of a white man and a white woman. 
After the image was reported to the Facebook-owned company, it responded by saying the sick artwork didn’t violate their community guidelines.
In explaining its decision not to remove the image, Instagram stated, “Because Instagram is a global community, we understand that people may express themselves differently.”  
  Earlier this month, Instagram announced that it would be banning all QAnon accounts due to their alleged promotion of “real world harm,” yet simultaneously refused to ban ISIS accounts that celebrated 9/11, arguing, as in the case of the ‘black art’ image, that glorifying terrorist attacks was a form of alternative expression."