Saturday, October 24, 2020

Papal Notes - Neo-Communism, Biden & Francis

"Professor Renato Cristin commented in a recent interview that
Pope Francis is the leader of the global left, a fact confirmed by Francis himself when he embraced so-called homosexual civil unions
The only question is whether Francis is a Marxist masquerading as a Catholic, or whether he has somehow in his own mind synthesized Christianity and Communism into a bizarre philosophy of “Christian communism.” 
Pope Francis, a nice guy who smiles a lot and seems friendly with people. Cristin comments that “Catholic communism, which is in effect an oxymoron, has become a point of reference for many people throughout the West, forming one of the aspects of neo-communism in circulation today.”
Francis declaration in favor of homosexual civil unions is designed to purge traditional Catholics from the church and solidify his power. It also seems designed to provide cover for so-called Catholics
looking to vote for the faux Catholic Biden, who approves of homosexual marriages and actually married two men in a ceremony at one of his lavish homes.
Can you imagine the spectacle of “You may kiss the bride,” as two “husbands” tie the knot? 
Biden, a Catholic, was there, as if he were the Justice of the Peace. Leaving aside Catholic or religious teaching, common sense and
basic science demonstrate that two men can’t reproduce. 
It is DNA denial of the most basic form. A gay “union” or “marriage,” therefore, is a denial of biological reality. It represents the destruction of humanity.
Yet, Biden's wife, Jill, tweeted, “Love is love!”
For his part, Francis is a committed left-wing ideologue whose ascension to the papacy was itself strange, as Pope Benedict was
forced out in what seemed like the kind of coup the American intelligence agencies attempted against President Trump. That makes Francis more dangerous than Biden, a pawn of the same global forces Francis is leading."
Cliff Kincaid
 ....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:13