Saturday, October 24, 2020

SDA Issues: This is not Adventism; it is Romanism under the guise of Adventism

 "Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, Orthodox and Seventh-day Adventists gathered to praise Fratelli Tutti.  
Over thirty religious leaders met at the annual Conference of the Secretaries of Christian World Communions (CS/CWC) from 20–22 October 2020. Ganoune Diop was the acting secretary for this gathering. The Vatican reported the following news:
The Catholic Church was represented by Bishop Brian
Farrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, assisted by Reverend Andrzej Choromanski, staff responsible for the multilateral relations. The meeting was chaired by Reverend Gretchen Castle (Friends World Committee for Consultation), with Reverend Dr Ganoune Diop (General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), acting as secretary
The recent encyclical of Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti was acknowledged as an important encouragement to all Christian communions to unite efforts in building a culture of encounter, solidarity and universal fraternity across political, social, and religious borders.” 

Fratelli Tutti? Where is the protest? There was none. 

Q: Are we now praising papal encyclicals? 

Is our loyalty now to the Pope of Rome and to his falsehoods and

delusions? Is it the mission of the General Conference to set the final warning message aside and join hands with all the religions of the world and promote Rome’s message? 

Pope Francis is healing the deadly wound (And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3), and this involves eliminating truth that exposes Rome’s agenda. If Rome can achieve this then her objective is complete and Protestantism will finally be dead, including our people.

Worse yet, Spiritualism has now joined the Pope’s brotherhood. We are wholeheartedly embracing the Omega of apostasy, which is pantheism. 

 When Seventh-day Adventists start praising papal encyclicals and obeying papal encyclicals and promoting papal encyclicals, while neglecting the Second Angels’ Message (Revelation 14:8) and the Loud Cry Message (Revelation 18:1-5), this is a sign that we have crossed a new historic threshold. We have been successful in taking Adventism to new levels that no previous generation has reached before. This is not Adventism; it is Romanism under the guise of Adventism." AdventMessenger