Friday, February 28, 2020

IN the NEWS - Coronavirus Headlines

NOW BE VERY CAREFUL HERE---nobody knows how this will end---possibly in a couple of months it could be under control and blow over--OR--the worst possible scenario...only time will tell--BUT--this gives one a feel what it might be like in Global Panic during a Time of Trouble....and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:7

From Al Jazeera....
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 495
points, or 1.92 percent, at the open of trading in New York, extending a brutal rout that saw the index nosedive nearly 1200 points on Thursday - its biggest one day point drop ever....a Global Economic Collapse that could lead to a Global Economic Restructuring--Leading to Control in a way one can't buy or sell without permission in some way, shape or form.

From Breitbart....
A Hong Kong coronavirus patient has revealed her pet dog has a “low level” of the virus, local health authorities confirmed early Friday.....Imagine what this could mean IF animals too can get--and maybe spread

Pope Francis has come down with a “slight indisposition,” forcing him to cancel a planned Mass in Rome, just a day after he

expressed his solidarity with coronavirus sufferers around the world — and as the disease continues to spread across Italy. The illness has forced the 82-year-old pontiff to nix a penitential Mass, marking the start of Lent, that he’d planned to celebrate at the St. John Lateran basilica across town with Roman clergy, the Vatican said. Francis will proceed with the rest of his planned work Thursday, but “preferred to stay near Santa Marta,” the Vatican hotel where he lives, officials said.....Head of the Little Horn Entity possibly touched by this...

From Al Jazeera....
Saudi Arabia on Thursday halted travel to the holiest sites in Islam (Mecca and Medina) over coronavirus fears just months ahead of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, as the Middle East recorded more than 220 confirmed cases......Even Islam Touched along with the Pope as world religions find common ground...

From ZeroHedge...
Italy, where late on Saturday prime minister Conte announced that
a total of 76 cases have been confirmed in 5 regions, declaring the Coronavirus situation a "National Emergency." The Prime Minister also said that Italy has implemented a law decree to fight the coronavirus, and is committed to limiting the spread of the Coronavirus....Complete Shut Down of Nations?

From State of the Planet....
Depictions of the “climate apocalypse” often fixate on the temperature changes, sea level rise and proliferation of natural disasters wrought by climate change. Epidemics are an often
overlooked outcome that belongs to that future. Medical researchers and climate scientists note that viral outbreaks may become more common with the progression of the climate crisis, which is affecting the movement of humans, animals, and pathogens. Zoonotic diseases already comprise roughly 70 percent of all human infections, but experts fear the climate crisis will accelerate their transmission by changing the boundaries and characteristics of existing animal habitats.....Ah yes, the Climate CULT never let's a crises go to waste as they will use it to galvanize support for their nonsense, which includes a call to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon couple this with world religion leaders joining in common cause--with these people....JUST A THOUGHT.

Puritan Corner - The Peace

And therefore you who think so basely of the Gospel and the professors of it, because at present their peace and comfort are not come, should know that it is on the way to them, ...Look not how the Christian begins, but ends.
by William Gurnall (1616-1679)
And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid...
Leviticus 26:6

The OFFERINGS Series: Peace Offering

"THE whole world is seeking peace. Nations are fighting for it, and thousands of men are selling their souls to obtain riches in the vain hope that riches will bring them peace and happiness.
But there is no real, abiding peace except that which comes from the great Prince of Peace; and it is never received as the reward of war and bloodshed nor the grasping greed of the world.
*The last legacy the Savior gave His disciples was a legacy of peace. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you:not as the world giveth, give I unto you." (John 14:27)

 In many respects the peace-offering was different from all the
other offerings, it was the only offering, except the Passover, in which the people could eat of the flesh. Unlike the Passover, it was not confined to only one day of the year, but could be celebrated at any time.

---The animals for peace-offerings were chosen from the herd or the flock. They were to be without blemish, for no deformed animal could fitly represent the Prince of Peace. (Lev. 3:1)
---The peace- offerings were made in token of thanksgiving, to confirm a vow or contract, and as voluntary offerings. (Lev. 7:12,16)

The individual who offered the peace-offering laid his hands on the head of the animal, and then slew it.
Afterward he separated all the fat from the different organs of the body, and the priest burned the fat upon the altar of burnt-offering. (Lev. 7:29-34) Not only was the fat given to the priest, but also the breast, the right shoulder, and the two cheeks of every offering.
The separation and burning of the fat typified the only way real peace can be obtained; viz., by delivering all our sins to Christ to be consumed by fire. (Ps. 37:20, Isa. 43:24)

---The one who obtains peace must separate from sin, and then lean, like the beloved disciple, upon the bosom of the Savior.---
When Christ told His twelve disciples that one of them would betray Him, they were afraid to ask Him who it was. They hardly knew their true relationship to the Savior; but John, leaning upon His bosom, could look up into His face and say, "Who is it, Lord!" He felt confident that he would never betray his Lord. (John 13:21-25)
The prophet Isaiah understood the meaning in the presentation of the breast of every peace-offering to the priest, for in writing of the Savior he says, "He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the Lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom." (Is. 40:11)

There was another feature of the typical peace-offering which every one should consider who wishes to experience the abiding peace of the antitypical peace-offering. The two cheeks of each peace-offering were given to the priest. (Duet. 18:3) The great antitypical Prince of Peace could' say, "I gave . . . my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not My face from shame and spitting." (Is. 50:1)

Unleavened cakes anointed with oil were eaten with the peace-offering. The unleavened bread indicated sincerity and truth, (1 Cor. 5:8) and oil is used as an emblem of the Holy Spirit, which brings peace to the heart.

---There was one rigid restriction in the eating of the peace-offering. The flesh was all to be eaten upon either the first or the second day. The command was very plain:"If any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it:it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity." (Lev. 7:18) This offering,.... was a significant type of the resurrection of the Prince of Peace.

 The Passover and waving of first-fruits on the third day taught the resurrection; but the priest alone entered the temple, and waved the handful of grain, in type of the resurrection of Christ; while in the peace-offering every child of God was given opportunity to show his faith in the resurrection of Christ.
If one ate of the flesh upon the third day, it indicated that he counted the Antitype of his peace-offering still dead upon that day. On the other hand, the one who refused to eat the flesh upon the third day, and burned in the fire all that was left, showed his faith in a risen Savior."
Stephen Haskell

The "Really" File (2020-the Gen.6:5 Campaign)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
1) Isn't this kind of stereotypical/racist? telling the black community to vote for you because you'll help them sell some
2) WHY is it that selling sin has become the norm in politics in 2020?..WHY is 2020 the Gen. 6:5 Campaign?

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said at Wednesday night's CBS-hosted debate.....

What we are also going to do is move to expunge the records of those people arrested for possession of marijuana. And I'll tell you
From the "Really" File
 what else we're going to do.

We're going to provide help to the African-American, Latino, Native American community to start businesses to sell legal marijuana rather than let a few corporations control the legalized marijuana market." CSNS


Creation Moment 2/29/2020 - "Natural Gift" from the Creator

Here is what the scientists call a "Natural Gift".....the ability to generate Electricity out of apparently thin air...and they want to use it in wall paint...Imagine that---generating your electricity from your wall paint!!!...but remember--And though I...understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; ... and have not Love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2

"They found it buried in the muddy shores of the Potomac River more than three decades ago: a strange "sediment organism" that could do things nobody had ever seen before in bacteria.

This unusual microbe, belonging to the Geobacter genus, was first noted for its ability to produce magnetite in the absence of oxygen, but with time scientists found it could make other things too, like bacterial nanowires that conduct electricity.

For years, researchers have been trying to figure out ways to usefully exploit that natural gift, and they might have just hit pay-dirt with a device they're calling the Air-gen. According to the team, their device can create electricity out of… well, almost nothing.

"We are literally making electricity out of thin air," says electrical engineer Jun Yao from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. "The Air-gen generates clean energy 24/7."
The claim may sound like an overstatement, but a new study by Yao and his team describes how the air-powered generator can indeed create electricity with nothing but the presence of air around it.
It's all thanks to the electrically conductive protein nanowires produced by Geobacter (G. sulfurreducens, in this instance)....the nanowire film is able to adsorb water vapor that exists in the atmosphere, enabling the device to generate a continuous electrical current conducted between the two electrodes.

The team says the charge is likely created by a moisture gradient that creates a diffusion of protons in the nanowire material.

"A maintained moisture gradient, which is fundamentally different to anything seen in previous systems, explains the continuous voltage output from our nanowire device."
The discovery was made almost by accident, when Yao noticed devices he was experimenting with were conducting electricity seemingly all by themselves.

"The ultimate goal is to make large-scale systems," Yao says, explaining that future efforts could use the technology to power homes via nanowire incorporated into wall paint."

Thursday, February 27, 2020


"THE life of every sacrifice, from the first one offered at the gate of Eden down to the cross, was a type of Christ; but the offering of the red heifer is different in many respects from all others.

It was an occasional sacrifice, offered when needed, to purify from ceremonial uncleanness those who for any reason had touched the dead. (Duet. 21:1-9)

The heifer was to be red, without one spot, thus in a special manner typifying the blood of Christ.  It was to be without blemish, thus representing Him "Who knew no sin." (2 Cor. 5:21) It was to be one that had never been broken to bear the yoke; it must be a heifer that had always been free, never forced to do anything.
 ---This was symbolic of the Son of God, who came of His own free will and died for us.--- 

Christ was above all law, no yoke was upon Him. (John 10:18) He came a voluntary offering, from choice.

*The offering of the red heifer was a very imposing ceremony. The heifer was not taken to the temple, like most other offerings, but to a rough valley without the camp, that had never been cultivated or sown.
*The priest, clothed in the pure white garment of the priesthood, led the heifer, and was accompanied by the elders of the city and the Levites. Cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet were also carried to the place of offering.
*When the procession reached the rough valley, they paused, and the elders came forward and killed the heifer. The priest then took the blood, and with his face toward the temple, sprinkled the blood with his finger toward the temple seven times.
*If a person had been found dead in the field and it was not known who had taken the life, then the eiders of the city next to where the slain man had been found, came forward and washed their hands over the body of the heifer as they offered a prayer to God requesting that the Lord would not lay innocent blood upon them. (Duet. 21:1-9)
*After this the heifer's entire body, including the blood, was burned. As the flames mounted up, the priest stepped near and cast some of the cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet into the midst of the fire. (Num. 19:1-8)
*The red heifer was offered without the camp, typifying that Christ suffered, not for the Hebrew race alone, but for the whole world. If every offering had been slain within the court of the sanctuary, some might have taught that Christ died only for His own people, the Hebrew race; but the red heifer was offered without the camp, (Heb. 13:12,13) symbolizing the fact that Christ died for all nations tribes, and people......the red heifer was not only taken without the camp, but to a rough valley, so rocky and utterly worthless that it had never even been plowed.  It does not matter if Satan has so marred the image of the Creator in man that there can scarcely a trace be seen of anything but the attributes of Satan; yet Christ with His mighty arm can raise such a one up to sit with Him on His throne.

The whole life may be wasted and be, like the rough valley, of no account; but if such a one will turn his eyes toward the heavenly sanctuary, and plead for mercy by confessing his sins, the precious blood of Christ, of which the blood of the red heifer was a symbol, will be sprinkled over his wasted life, as verily as the blood of the heifer was sprinkled over the rough stones of the valley; and Christ will say to the repentant one as He did to the thief on the cross, who had wasted his life. "Thou shalt be with Me in paradise."(Luke 23:38-40)
He can save to the uttermost all
who came unto God by Him.
(Heb. 7:25)  The cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet cast into the fire were typical of the purifying of the earth and all vegetation from every trace of sin by the blood of Christ. (Isa. 65:17-19) After the body of the heifer was burned to ashes, a person who was not contaminated by touching the dead, gathered up the ashes and placed them in a clean place, and they were kept to be used for purifying those who touched the dead. (Num. 19:9,10)
---If a person died in a tent or house, the house and all who touched the dead body were counted unclean until purified. This was to impress the people with the I terrible nature of sin. It taught them that death came as the result of sin, and was a representation of sin. (Jas. 1:14,15)   Some of the ashes were placed in pure running water, and a person who was ceremonially clean dipped a bunch of hyssop and cedar in the ashes and water, and sprinkled the tent, the articles within the tent, and the people.
This was repeated several times until all were purified. (Numbers 19:18) In like manner, Christ, after He shed His blood for sinful man, entered the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary to present His blood before the Father, to cleanse man from the defilement of sin. (Heb. 9:11,12) The cedar and hyssop used to sprinkle the purifying water denoted that the person upon whom it fell was cleansed from all earthly moral defilement.
The thoroughness of the work was typified by its being repeated several times.  David evidently had this ceremony in mind when he prayed, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean:wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." (Ps. 51:7) "Stephan Haskell

IN the NEWS - HGTV goes Gen.6:5

"Featured on HGTV’s House Hunters (once considered a family-friendly television program) this “throuple”—a married couple and a second woman who is in a relationship (sealed with a “commitment ceremony” in Aruba) with both the husband and “bisexual” wife—were seeking a house in Colorado Springs.

It needed to fit three master bathroom sinks, mesh with all three personalities, and have room for the couple’s two children. Reportedly, during the episode, they shared how they met at a bar and became involved in this relationship. And it appears that their story, and house hunt, is featured just like any other relationship on the show—as totally normal, natural, and wonderful.

And that’s how it begins. We saw this same thing happen with the LGBT, gay marriage, and transgender revolution—the media began portraying these sinful lifestyles and choices as normal and natural.

Without an absolute authority, anything goes. And if marriage can be between two men or two women, why not between a man and two women (or some other combination)?

Our culture seems to be in a downward spiral, hurtling towards the description of the people before the Flood recorded in Genesis 6:5:
The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."


Creation Moment 2/28/2020 - CMI's Letter of Defense of Genesis

"The following open letter is CMI’s response to an article published in The Scotsman by the Right Reverend Richard Holloway,a former Bishop of Edinburgh (1986–2000), professor of divinity, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and patron of LGBT Youth Scotland.

Dear Richard Holloway,
I recently read your rather condescending “Letter to the author of the book of Genesis.” The way you have misunderstood Genesis
bothers me greatly. In fact, not understanding it has brought the church you once served to a moment of great danger... Furthermore, the “Author of Genesis” to whom you addressed your letter didn’t just live three thousand years ago as you state, for ultimately He is God—and He is alive and well today.

You describe Genesis as a “great poem”, “parable”, “fable” even a “great fiction”, but this is not how Jesus, or the New Testament writers read Genesis. They treated it as history, and built their theology on it.

You quote Genesis 1:27–28, but mistakenly claim that following God’s instructions will result in the planet’s destruction. How you twist Scripture Richard! The opposite is true: rebelling against the Maker’s instructions has caused all the problems. God in His wisdom gave humans—in their perfect, sinless state—stewardship and responsibility for creation. It was never meant to be a license to destroy as you so wilfully and incorrectly interpret it.

Genesis is clear, and you even quote it: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27). This is not fiction.

When leaders in the church stopped viewing Genesis as historical, they consequently left the moral implications of its truth claims undefended.

This resulted in society’s moral decline, which included the legalized murder of the unborn.
To redefine basic biological reality is foolhardy indeed, and we are seeing the consequences of this damaging confusion and irresponsible thinking in society today. Again, your own writings question the wisdom of a divinely ordained distinction between the sexes.

And here you have the priorities reversed, because you consider sin against the environment as the highest crime. The most sacred religion in your eyes is worship of the Creation, rather than the Creator. Romans chapter one describes this brand of heresy all too well (Romans 1:25–26) and its resulting moral decay in society.

Finally, you rejoice in the fact that people are rebel sinners:
“The good news is that young people everywhere are rebelling against humanity’s God-given right to destroy the earth, their home. Their religion is love of the little blue planet that bore them and sustains them. And they are fighting hard to save it. You’d admire them.”
You are a blind leader of the blind Richard. There is nothing to rejoice in here. I hope many readers will have the presence of mind to peer through your sarcasm.

You conclude your anti-Genesis diatribe by quoting from Isaiah 11:6, which describes the future restoration of what was lost at the Curse; this is poetry as you rightly state.
However, poetry doesn’t make the future hope of a restored Creation any the less real, because it isn’t mere poetry, rather it is divinely inspired prophecy. Only the Creator can promise to restore His Creation. It was marred by sin but “will be set free from its bondage to corruption” (Romans 8:21)—when Christ comes again and restores all things.

Instead of building on Genesis and the hope of God’s unchanging Word, you have chosen the inescapable futility that goes hand-in-hand with having the evolutionary process as your foundation."
Gavin Cox/CMI

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The OFFERINGS Series: Trespass-Offering

"THE trespass-offering was a sin-offering, and many Bible students make no distinction between it and the regular sin-offering.

*In some places the terms "sin-offering" and "trespass-offering" seem to be used synonymously, as in Lev. 5:1-13, but in other places they are spoken of as being two separate offerings. (Eze. 46:20)

A close study of the passages that speak directly of the trespass-offering, shows that it was offered more especially for sins "in the holy things of the Lord," (Lev. 5:15) as when a person had trespassed by not following God's instructions in regard to the holy things.  He may have withheld his tithe, (Lev. 27:31) eaten the first-fruits, (Ex. 34:26) or sheared the first-born sheep; (Deut. 15:19) whatever the trespass, he was to bring a ram for an offering, (Lev. 5:18; 6:6) This offering was disposed of much the same as the ordinary sin-offering, except that the blood was sprinkled "round about upon the altar," instead of touching the horns with the blood as in the sin-offering. (Lev. 7.1-7)  It would seem from this that the trespass-offering did not always represent sins as public as the common sin-offering represented, but was often used for sins known only to the individual himself.  If the person had taken any of the holy things for his own use, had been dishonest in his dealings with his neighbor, or had appropriated articles that had been lost, etc., he was not only to restore the full value, but was to add one fifth to the estimation by the priest. (Lev. 5:16; 6:5) The restitution was always made to the one wronged. .... One special object of the trespass-offering was to atone for dishonest dealings with either God or man, and always required the restitution of the wrong besides the ram for the offering. ---It taught very clearly that wherein we have dealt falsely with God or man, simply confessing the sin and bringing an offering will not suffice; we must make amends for the wrong.--- Zacchaeus understood the law of the trespass-offering, and as soon as he surrendered his life to Christ, he was ready to go even beyond the requirements of the law, and restore "fourfold" to all whom he had wronged. (Luke 19:8) The trespass-offering was a more complete offering than the ordinary sinoffering; besides atoning for the sin, it also, in figure, covered the result of the sin.  ....This is taught in the Savior's words, "If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." (Matt. 5:23, 24)"Stephen Haskell

Health Notes - Roses to Sleep by

I wish above all things that thou in health,
3 John 1:2

"Taking a whiff of rose scent while learning a task and then being exposed to the same smell during sleep helps memories to set, researchers have found.

Researchers think that a part of the brain called the hippocampus is like the scratch-pad of memory, where we put new things that have been experienced or learned until they can be filed for long-term storage.

During sleep, these memories are 'reactivated' and transferred to the cortex.
Odors are known to have a potent effect on the hippocampus. Born and his team speculated that an odor could thus help to trigger the 'reactivation' process during sleep, making permanent memory storage more efficient. Their tests support this theory. "By experimentally inducing it, we can show that reactivation enhances memory," says Born.

But simply sleeping in a rose-scented room won't necessarily do the trick, because the timing of odor exposure is crucial.
Volunteers in the study had to be exposed during so-called slow-wave sleep, when the hippocampus is triggered into replaying memories. Passing roses under the nose during lighter, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when most dreams occur, had no effect on memory.

The smell trick is useful only for certain types of learning. It won't be useful for remembering the skills needed for playing the piano
or riding a bike, for example, because these activity-related memories don't rely on the hippocampus.
But the finding might provide a friendlier way to improve memory than other suggested techniques, says Born.

Born's group published a study in Nature last year that showed an increase in memory when people's brains were stimulated with a mild electric current. "Everyone's afraid of shocking the brain," he says. "Odor presentation is a much 'softer' method."

Creation Moment 2/27/2020 - The Godhead of Creation

"We have seen the Sabbath ordained of God at the close of the creation week. 

The object of its Author is worthy of especial attention. 
Q: Why did the Creator set up this memorial in paradise? 
Q: Why did He set apart from the other days of the week that day which he had employed in rest? 
A:  "Because that in it," says the record, "he had rested from all his work which God created and made." (Gen.2:6)
A rest necessarily implies a work performed. And hence the Sabbath was ordained of God as a memorial of the work of creation. 

And therefore that precept of the moral law which relates to this
memorial, unlike every other precept of that law, begins with the word, "Remember." (Ex.20:8)
The importance of this memorial will be appreciated when we learn from the Scriptures that it is the work of creation which is claimed by its Author as the great evidence of his eternal power and Godhead, and as that great fact which distinguishes him from all false gods. Thus it is written:
"He that built all things is God." "The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens." "But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting King." "He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion." "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead." "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." Thus "the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Such is the estimate which the Scriptures place upon the work of creation as evincing the eternal power and Godhead of the creator."
J.N. Andrews/Heb.3:4; Jer.10:10-12; Rom.1:20; Ps.33:9; Heb.11:3

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The OFFERINGS Series: Meat (Meal) Offering

"DANIEL prophesied that Christ would "cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease." (Dan. 9:27) Here reference is made to the two great divisions of offerings:
sacrifices with,
and sacrifices without blood.

The meat-offerings belonged to the last class.
There was neither flesh nor blood in the meat-offering.
The original meaning of the word "meat" as first used in the Bible is "food"; (Gen. 1:29) and in this sense the term is used in connection with this offering.

The meat-offering consisted of flour, oil, and frankincense, (Lev.
Every meat-offering was seasoned with salt.
This offering was spoken of as "a thing most holy of the offerings of the Lord made by fire." (Lev. 2:4-13; 6:17)

No leaven or honey was allowed in any of the meat-offerings; for leaven indicated "malice and wickedness," (1 Cor. 5:8) and honey turns sour and leads to fermentation.
--The qualities of salt are directly opposite.
Salt removes and prevents corruption; it is also an emblem of friendship.
The salt of the covenant was never to be omitted from the meat-offering, thus reminding God's people of His protecting care and promise to save, and that only the righteousness of Christ could make the service acceptable to God.--

*A portion of the meat-offering was burned on the brazen altar, whether it was flour or unleavened cakes; also a portion of the oil, and all the frankincense; (Lev. 6:15) and the remainder was eaten by the priest in the court. (Lev. 6:16,17)

*The offering for the sinner too poor to bring even a wild turtle-dove was a meat-offering or trespass-offering.
There was no oil or frankincense in this offering. (Lev. 5:11) In the offering for jealousy, the oil and frankincense were also left out. No frankincense was ever added to the meat-offerings that brought "iniquity to remembrance." (Num. 5:15)

The meat-offering of first-fruits was "green ears of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears. " (Lev. 2:14-16) We quote from Andrew A. Bonar in regard to the significance of the green ears, "A peculiar typical circumstance attends these. These are ears of corn, a figure of Christ; (John 12:24) and ears of the best kind, for so the Hebrew intimates. They are dried by the fire, to represent Jesus feeling the wrath of His Father, as when He said, My strength is dried up, i.e., the whole force of my being is dried up; (Ps. 22:15) 'I am withered like grass.' (Ps. 102:4)."

In the meat-offering, like the sin-offering, provision was made for the poor. The wealthy class baked their meat-offerings in an oven; the individual in moderate circumstances, on the "fire plate"; while the cakes baked by the poor in the "frying pan," were equally acceptable. (Lev. 2:4-8)

Lev. 2:1-3. It was "a thing most holy of the offerings of the Lord made by fire."
Rom. 12:1. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God."
Lev. 2:9. The meat-offering was "a sweet savor unto the Lord."
Phil. 4:18. When God's people make sacrifices for Him, it is "an odor of a sweet smell, . . . well pleasing to God." Lev. 2:13. "Every oblation of thy meat-offering shalt thou season with salt; . . . with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt."
Mark 9:50. "Have salt in yourselves."
Stephen Haskell

IN the NEWS - Moral Decay on Display on the 2020 Campaign Trail

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"A nine-year-old boy chose a campaign event to ask advice from Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on how to come out as gay, in one of the most bizarre moments of the 2020 campaign.

The incident happened on stage during a campaign rally Saturday in Denver, Colorado, where the young boy named Zachary Ro asked the former Indiana mayor about the best way to come out.

Would you help me tell the world I’m gay, too? I want to be brave like you,” stated Ro’s question, read by a moderator.
I don’t think you need a lot of advice for me on bravery. You seem pretty strong to me,” Buttigieg responded, during the event."

Creation Moment 2/26/2020 - Modern Science

And all the people said, Amen.... 1 Chronicles 16:36

"Modern science has brought tremendous benefits to human life..... But science is not God.
It has not perfected human nature
nor has it curbed the human abuse of power.
Like every human enterprise, science is partial, corruptible, and prone to error,
and it needs to be subject to the checks and balances
--of a free society
--and the moral law."
 John West, Darwin Day in America, preface

Monday, February 24, 2020

The OFFERINGS Series: Drink Offering

"THE drink-offering was celebrated long before the sanctuary service was instituted at Sinai.

After the Lord appeared to Jacob at Bethel and said, "Thy name shall be called no more Jacob [a supplanter], (Gen. 27:36) but Israel [a prince of God] shall be thy name," (Gen. 32:28) Jacob
felt so grateful to the Lord that he set up a pillar in the place where He talked with him, and poured out a drink-offering thereon, (Gen 35:10-14) showing his willingness to pour out his life, if necessary, for the cause of God......celebration of the Lord's supper, as an emblem of the life of Christ, (Lev. 17:11; Matt. 26:27,28) who "poured out His soul unto death," to redeem a lost race. (Isa. 53:12)

--*--Drink-offerings were never poured on the altar of incense, (Ex. 30:9) but always in the court, for they typified things which transpired in the antitypical court–the earth.

---The pouring out of the drink- offering was no doubt an emblem of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. (Joel 2:28; Isa. 44:3)---
Paul used the beautiful type of pouring the drink-offering upon the burnt-offering, and the consuming of all upon the altar, as an illustration of his life fully surrendered to God's service. "Holding forth the word of life;" he said, "that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain .... Yea, and if I be poured forth upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy; and rejoice with you all." (Phil. 2:16,17)
---The drink-offering was a type of Christ's life poured out for us, and the antitype can be repeated in the life of every one who, like Paul, rejoices in being poured forth upon the sacrifice and consumed upon the altar."
Stephen Haskell

Creation Moment 2/25/2020 - I Concur with van Dokkum

"Astronomers find 19 more galaxies missing their dark matter

The new research may have dramatic implications for theories about both dark matter and galaxy formation.

... in 2018, researchers led by Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University found a bizarre, ghostly galaxy named NGC 1052-DF2 that seemed to contain very little, if any, dark matter.
Astronomers have discovered 19 more galaxies missing their dark matter.
Instead of dark matter, these strange galaxies are mainly filled with regular matter, like the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up everything we're familiar with.
"This result is very hard to explain using the standard galaxy formation model," said lead author Qi Guo of the Chinese Academy of Science.
Q: And what's the significance of finding galaxies without dark matter?
According to van Dokkum,
A: it would mean that astronomers don't really understand how galaxies form in the first place."
I Concur with van Dokkum.....
... Amen... 1 Chronicles 16:36