Friday, February 28, 2020

The OFFERINGS Series: Peace Offering

"THE whole world is seeking peace. Nations are fighting for it, and thousands of men are selling their souls to obtain riches in the vain hope that riches will bring them peace and happiness.
But there is no real, abiding peace except that which comes from the great Prince of Peace; and it is never received as the reward of war and bloodshed nor the grasping greed of the world.
*The last legacy the Savior gave His disciples was a legacy of peace. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you:not as the world giveth, give I unto you." (John 14:27)

 In many respects the peace-offering was different from all the
other offerings, it was the only offering, except the Passover, in which the people could eat of the flesh. Unlike the Passover, it was not confined to only one day of the year, but could be celebrated at any time.

---The animals for peace-offerings were chosen from the herd or the flock. They were to be without blemish, for no deformed animal could fitly represent the Prince of Peace. (Lev. 3:1)
---The peace- offerings were made in token of thanksgiving, to confirm a vow or contract, and as voluntary offerings. (Lev. 7:12,16)

The individual who offered the peace-offering laid his hands on the head of the animal, and then slew it.
Afterward he separated all the fat from the different organs of the body, and the priest burned the fat upon the altar of burnt-offering. (Lev. 7:29-34) Not only was the fat given to the priest, but also the breast, the right shoulder, and the two cheeks of every offering.
The separation and burning of the fat typified the only way real peace can be obtained; viz., by delivering all our sins to Christ to be consumed by fire. (Ps. 37:20, Isa. 43:24)

---The one who obtains peace must separate from sin, and then lean, like the beloved disciple, upon the bosom of the Savior.---
When Christ told His twelve disciples that one of them would betray Him, they were afraid to ask Him who it was. They hardly knew their true relationship to the Savior; but John, leaning upon His bosom, could look up into His face and say, "Who is it, Lord!" He felt confident that he would never betray his Lord. (John 13:21-25)
The prophet Isaiah understood the meaning in the presentation of the breast of every peace-offering to the priest, for in writing of the Savior he says, "He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the Lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom." (Is. 40:11)

There was another feature of the typical peace-offering which every one should consider who wishes to experience the abiding peace of the antitypical peace-offering. The two cheeks of each peace-offering were given to the priest. (Duet. 18:3) The great antitypical Prince of Peace could' say, "I gave . . . my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not My face from shame and spitting." (Is. 50:1)

Unleavened cakes anointed with oil were eaten with the peace-offering. The unleavened bread indicated sincerity and truth, (1 Cor. 5:8) and oil is used as an emblem of the Holy Spirit, which brings peace to the heart.

---There was one rigid restriction in the eating of the peace-offering. The flesh was all to be eaten upon either the first or the second day. The command was very plain:"If any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it:it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity." (Lev. 7:18) This offering,.... was a significant type of the resurrection of the Prince of Peace.

 The Passover and waving of first-fruits on the third day taught the resurrection; but the priest alone entered the temple, and waved the handful of grain, in type of the resurrection of Christ; while in the peace-offering every child of God was given opportunity to show his faith in the resurrection of Christ.
If one ate of the flesh upon the third day, it indicated that he counted the Antitype of his peace-offering still dead upon that day. On the other hand, the one who refused to eat the flesh upon the third day, and burned in the fire all that was left, showed his faith in a risen Savior."
Stephen Haskell