Monday, February 24, 2020

Creation Moment 2/25/2020 - I Concur with van Dokkum

"Astronomers find 19 more galaxies missing their dark matter

The new research may have dramatic implications for theories about both dark matter and galaxy formation.

... in 2018, researchers led by Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University found a bizarre, ghostly galaxy named NGC 1052-DF2 that seemed to contain very little, if any, dark matter.
Astronomers have discovered 19 more galaxies missing their dark matter.
Instead of dark matter, these strange galaxies are mainly filled with regular matter, like the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up everything we're familiar with.
"This result is very hard to explain using the standard galaxy formation model," said lead author Qi Guo of the Chinese Academy of Science.
Q: And what's the significance of finding galaxies without dark matter?
According to van Dokkum,
A: it would mean that astronomers don't really understand how galaxies form in the first place."
I Concur with van Dokkum.....
... Amen... 1 Chronicles 16:36