Thursday, February 27, 2020

IN the NEWS - HGTV goes Gen.6:5

"Featured on HGTV’s House Hunters (once considered a family-friendly television program) this “throuple”—a married couple and a second woman who is in a relationship (sealed with a “commitment ceremony” in Aruba) with both the husband and “bisexual” wife—were seeking a house in Colorado Springs.

It needed to fit three master bathroom sinks, mesh with all three personalities, and have room for the couple’s two children. Reportedly, during the episode, they shared how they met at a bar and became involved in this relationship. And it appears that their story, and house hunt, is featured just like any other relationship on the show—as totally normal, natural, and wonderful.

And that’s how it begins. We saw this same thing happen with the LGBT, gay marriage, and transgender revolution—the media began portraying these sinful lifestyles and choices as normal and natural.

Without an absolute authority, anything goes. And if marriage can be between two men or two women, why not between a man and two women (or some other combination)?

Our culture seems to be in a downward spiral, hurtling towards the description of the people before the Flood recorded in Genesis 6:5:
The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
