Friday, August 30, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Gift Cards for Sin

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some handing out "Gift Cards" for Sin on the Streets of Babylon...

"Episcopal priest Reverend Katherine Ragsdale, with her organization National Abortion Federation, will hand out pre-paid gas cards for women seeking abortions, according to FaithWire.

Since there are a limited number of providers and states continue to impose additional restrictions, many women have to travel long distances to reach the closest provider who can help them,” NAF said in a statement. “And this situation will only worsen as the political environment continues to become more hostile toward abortion rights.”
As the first lesbian to become a leader of an Episcopal seminary, Ragsdale has been no stranger to controversy.
Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done,” she said at a pro-abortion rally. “Let me hear you say it: abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done.”

Puritan Corner - Sea of Conflicting Ideas vs. God

Without absolutes revealed from without by God Himself, we are left rudderless in a sea of conflicting ideas about manners, justice and right and wrong, issuing from a multitude of self-opinionated thinkers.
by John Owen (1616-1683)
How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?
Exodus 16:28

2 Classes of Educators

No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one, and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Matthew 6:24

"There are two classes of educators in the world.

--One class are those whom God makes channels of light,
--and the other class are those whom Satan uses as his agents.

--One class contemplates the character of God and their thoughts are brought into captivity to Christ.
--The other class are in league with the prince of darkness, who is ever on the alert that he may find an opportunity to teach others the knowledge of evil. If place is made for him, he will not be slow to press his way into heart and mind."
Advent Review E.G.W. 

ARCHAEOLOGY: Romans 1 acted out by the Chimu

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...Furthermore,
just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God,
so God gave them over to a depraved mind,
so that they do what ought not to be done.
Romans 1:25,28

"The centuries-old remains of more than 200 children have been discovered in Peru, according to reports.

Experts say that the macabre discovery is likely the world’s largest child sacrifice site.
The children, who were aged between four and 14, were reportedly sacrificed to honor the gods of the pre-Columbian Chimu culture. Killed during wet weather and buried facing the sea, experts think that the children were sacrificed in relation to an “El Nino” event.
Andina reports that the remains at Huanchaco have been dated to the 13th to 15th centuries. The Chimu civilization was conquered by the Inca in the 15th century."

IN the NEWS - Science agrees with God

And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another;... Romans 1:27

"A new comprehensive scientific study of the biological roots of sexual orientation released Thursday proved that there no “gay gene” and that genetic factors are insignificant in determining sexual orientation.

The research, which analyzed data on DNA and sexual experiences from almost half a million people, found there are thousands of genetic variants linked to same-sex sexual behavior, most with very small effects.

Five of the genetic markers were "significantly" associated with same-sex behavior, the researchers said, but even these are far from being predictive of a person's sexual preferences.
"We scanned the entire human genome and found a handful - five to be precise - of locations that are clearly associated with whether a person reports in engaging in same-sex sexual behavior," said Andrea Ganna, a biologist at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Finland who co-led the research.

According to Ganna, these genetic variances have “a very small effect” on sexual behavior, and  combined, only explain “considerably less than 1% of the variance in the self-reported same-sex sexual behavior.”
This means that non-genetic factors, including environment, upbringing, personality, and nurture “are far more significant in influencing a person's choice of sexual partner, just as with most other personality, behavioral and physical human traits,” according to the researchers.
Will the release of this comprehensive study finally put this issue to rest? Doubtful. Past studies have done little to shift public opinion on this. But, the size and comprehensive nature of this new study ought to crush the born that way” myth. What is the LGBT lobby to do?"

Creation Moment 8/31/2019 - Neither Absence NOR Plurality

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,..
Colossians 1:16

"Almost all thinking men who have studied the laws which govern the animate and inanimate world around us, agree that the belief in the existence of one Supreme Creator, possessed of infinite wisdom and power,
--is open to far less difficulties than
-----the supposition of the absence of any cause,
-----or of the existence of a plurality of causes."
 Charles Babbage

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why Spiritual Palsy?

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God,
and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
Isaiah 59:2

"Human beings have severed their connection with God, and their souls have become palsied and strengthless by the deadly poison of sin."
CTr 32, E.G.W.

Papal Notes - Burma Bends the Knee

"Pope Francis on Tuesday is spending his first full day in Myanmar where he traveled to the country’s capital to meet with the country’s de facto civilian leader, Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. After meeting with her privately, she pronounced an official welcome speech.
In her address to the Pope, Suu Kyi quoted from the Sermon on the Mount saying it presents a challenge for political and religious leaders...

...text of Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech to Pope Francis:
Holy Father Pope Francis,
Distinguished Guests,
It is a great joy and a great honor for me to welcome you to this gathering that reaffirms our faith in the power and possibility of peace and loving kindness. Let me begin by thanking His Holiness for being with us today. ‘Grazie per essere arrivato qui da noi’....Your Holiness, you bring us strength and hope in
your understanding of our need, our longing, for peace, national reconciliation and social harmony....Your Holiness, we are proud and happy that you have come to our country a mere six months after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Myanmar."
...and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

Creation Moment 8/30/2019 - More Mysteries of Creator's "TIME"

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Revelation 22:13

"A University of Queensland-led international team of researchers say they have discovered "a new kind of quantum time order."
UQ physicist Dr Magdalena Zych said the discovery arose from an experiment the team designed to bring together elements of the two big -- but contradictory -- physics theories developed in the past century.

"Our proposal sought to discover: what happens when an object massive enough to influence the flow of time is placed in a quantum state?" Dr Zych said.
She said Einstein's theory described how the presence of a massive object slowed time.
"Imagine two space ships, asked to fire at each other at a specified time while dodging the other's attack," she said.
"If either fires too early, it will destroy the other."
"In Einstein's theory, a powerful enemy could use the principles of general relativity by placing a massive object -- like a planet -- closer to one ship to slow the passing of time."
"Because of the time lag, the ship furthest away from the massive object will fire earlier, destroying the other."
Dr Zych said the second theory, of quantum mechanics, says any object can be in a state of "superposition"
"This means it can be found in different states -- think Schrodinger's cat," she said.
Dr Zych said using the theory of quantum mechanics, if the enemy put the planet into a state of "quantum superposition," then time also should be disrupted.
"There would be a new way for the order of events to unfold, with neither of the events being first or second -- but in a genuine quantum state of being both first and second," she said.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Evil Thoughts Plague the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some  "evil thoughts" on the Streets of Babylon ...

"A co-founder of the pro-LGBTQ ‘Christian’ Revoice Conference,
Nate Collins – endorsed by Southern Baptist leaders with the ERLC and certain members of the PCA – implied on Twitter that Jesus might have been gay or straight and that evangelicals don’t really know and haven’t thought about it."

The Simplicity of Who Will Be "Saved"

"The Lord cannot justify and save any who cannot see their true condition.
The Savior came not to call righteous but sinners to repentance,
then none but sinners will be saved.

Now Romans 4:16, "therefore it is of faith."
That it might be by grace, "to the end that it may be sure." 

IN the NEWS - What the World thinks of your Christ

But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him,
We will not have this man to reign over us.
Luke 19:14
"AMC's show Preacher has set a new record for irreverence, making Jesus Christ out to be an adulterer and mentally handicapped.
Yet on Sunday, the show managed to become even more offensive. In one episode, the character portraying Jesus smokes a joint and imagines himself robbing a bank. Next episode, he will negotiate with Adolf Hitler regarding the apocalypse.
Early in the episode, Tyson Ritter — whose character is listed as "Humperdoo, Jesus Christ, Jesus" on IMDB — smokes a joint with Ruth Negga, playing Tulip O'Hare. He reminisces about having sex with a married woman in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before his crucifixion — originally shown in an episode in 2017, as Newsbusters reported. In that original episode, Jesus was introduced as "Humperdoo" and portrayed as an inbred simpleton."

Creation Moment 8/29/2019 - Man's Thoughts vs. God's Thoughts

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9

"There is no demarcation line between science and non-science, or between science and pseudoscience, which would win assent from a majority of philosophers.

Nor is there one which should win acceptance from philosophers or anyone else. What makes a belief well founded (or heuristically fertile)? And what makes a belief scientific?
[Our focus] should be squarely on the empirical and conceptual credentials for claims about the world. The 'scientific' status of those claims is altogether irrelevant."
 Larry Laudan, philosopher of science

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

IN the NEWS - Spurgeon Prediction Comes True

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
 If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15

"Back in the 19th century, the famous ‘Prince of Preachers’, Charles Spurgeon offered this frightful prediction:
A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”

Hillsong Gold Coast, led by James & Elida Turner, recently put on a circus performance at their campus. Not kidding.

In a program they call #SundayNightAtTheMovies, they put on such an outlandish and ridiculous stunt that even the most Biblically-ignorant unbelievers can look at this and tell it has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.
Of course, now that Barnum & Bailey are out, someone has to step in and fill their shoes. It’s no wonder their top artists and leaders renounce their faith — this is not Christianity."

The "Really" File (Recycle Bin for Sin?)

Fools make a mock at sin: Proverbs 14:9

"On Friday, August 23, the official YouTube channel of the Novus Ordo Catholic Media Center in Switzerland released a video
introducing people to the new “sin disposal container” in Zurich, an interactive “art” project that aims to make people think and smile. Chances are it will do neither — the reaction of a healthy human being will be a good eye-roll accompanied by a sigh, at best.

From the "Really" File
The odd box is a former recycling container. Outside it there is an opening through which materials can be placed into it. That opening has been retained and is now labeled “sins” and is used for throwing stones into the unit. Those are channeled through a transparent plastic tube and fall into a little bowl inside the container. Also inside is a stool, a mirror, and a 3-step instruction placard. The instructions read as follows:
  1. Take a deep breath in, and out, 3 times.
  2. Take a load off your mind — let the stone fall into the bowl.
  3. Give yourself a smile and have a nice day.
In other words, the way to dispose of — or perhaps recycle? —
one’s sins is by breathing, dropping a stone into a hole, and smiling at oneself in the mirror.

The Swiss blog explains the priceless result as follows:

The sin disposal unit promotes critical thinking and consciousness and puts a smile on your face.

The interactive art installation consists of a recycled Zurich recycling container (with 100% recycled materials) and is ready for sins in accordance with all religions, all sexes, and all ages.
(“Sünden-Entsorgungsstelle”,;) " NovusOrdoWatch

"LRE"- God's Microfilm of our Life?

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Ecclesiastes 11:9/12:14

"Your life really does flash before your eyes when you die, a study suggests - with the parts of the brain that store memories last to be affected as other functions fail.

Researchers said  the new  study shines a light on "a most intriguing mental phenomenon that fascinated humans from time immemorial" - which they coined "life review  experience" (LRE).
Those involved in  the study said they lost all sense  of time, with memories flying  back at them from all periods of their life. 
Researchers said that the phenomenon could be caused by the parts of the brain that store autobiographical memories like the prefrontal, medial temporal, and parietal cortices.
This suggests that a representation of life-events as a continuum exists in the cognitive system."

Creation Moment 8/28/2019 - Your "Cables"

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14

"The 3-D world we experience, with sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and bodily sensations, is essentially constructed by our brains.
Every second awake, signals from our environment of one kind or another are converted into electrical currents (of ions—called action potentials) by sensory receptors in the skin or by special senses (like smell, vision, and hearing).
These currents, bearing no obvious resemblance to the information they carry, travel into the brain via nerve fibers (cables, if you like), and there somehow the information is decoded.
The original signal is interpreted so that a person sees the world in vivid color, hears the sound of a waterfall, experiences the heat of a hot summer’s day, feels a breeze on the skin, and smells the barbeque.
And this can happen all at the same time;.... How does the brain do this? No one knows, but it must involve signal processing way beyond our current understanding."

Monday, August 26, 2019

Jonah Lesson for Present Truth

"The Biblical account of Jonah begins with an admonition from God, in which He says to Jonah, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.” Jonah 1:2.
After Jonah resists the word of the Lord and ends up in the belly of
a fish, where he is convicted of his sin, repents, and experiences true heart conversion, he is given a second chance to preach the cutting truth of the everlasting gospel to the people of Nineveh.
This time, “Jonah began to enter the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.” Jonah 3:4–5.
Besides Nineveh, the Bible also refers to Babylon as “that great city” (Revelation 14:8).
Like Jonah, we must preach the everlasting gospel to those in spiritual Babylon.
However, the present truth for us today encompasses the entirety of the three angels’ messages, .... So, we must preach not only the present truth of Jonah’s time (the first angel’s message, which commands us to fear the God of Creation and declares that His judgment is come), but the whole everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6–12,
*which identifies Babylon,
*the beast and his mark, and the image,
*and calls on us to keep God’s commandments and the faith of Jesus.
This comprehensive gospel message is present truth for our time, in verity.
If Jonah were to have simply tried to speak the language of the city (to do in Nineveh as the Ninevites, so to speak), and to build bridges with them, God could not have used him to deliver His saving message to the people of Nineveh.

After Jonah preached the message God had given him, “God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.” Jonah 3:10.
Babylon, “that great city” of these last days, however, will not be spared, as Revelation 18:19 proclaims in no uncertain terms, “And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.”

Papal Notes - God vs. Francis... again

GOD teaches-
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
Pope Francis teaches-
"A multi-faith “higher committee” was announced this week to implement the “Human Fraternity” document signed by Pope
Francis and a Grand Imam in February that stated, among other things, that a “pluralism and diversity” of religions is “willed by God.” 
Prominent members of the committee that has been set up in Abu Dhabi include Pope Francis’ personal secretary Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, Bishop Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and Judge Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Salam, Advisor to the Grand Imam.
The higher committee has been given a global role, as it will be in charge of preparing “the necessary plans to implement the
document,” and will “follow up on its implementation at regional and international levels, and hold meetings with religious leaders, heads of international organizations and others to support and spread the idea behind this historic document.”"

3x3: Lessons about a "Fool"

Proverbs 26:1-3

I. As snow in summer,
and as rain in harvest,
so honor is not seemly for a fool.
II. As the bird by wandering,
as the swallow by flying,
so the curse causeless shall not come.
III. A whip for the horse,
a bridle for the ass,
 and a rod for the fool's back.

"Foundation" Lesson

"A foundation was laid in Daniel 9:24–27, and God gave a probationary time to the Jewish nation.
 “God first sent His prophets to ancient Israel, but their message was not heeded, and as a last resort He sent His Son . . . .” Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, 94.
God had been sending prophet after prophet to keep His people on the foundation.
As a last resort, at the end of the 490-year period of Daniel 9, Jesus came to His people Himself to show them the foundation platform that they should be on, because they had left it.
Jesus told them that they did not know the time of their visitation. --Should this be a warning to us also?
--Should we be asking ourselves whether or not we know that the time of our visitation is near?"

Creation Moment 8/27/2019 - RNA World Hypothesis Falls Flat

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise...
1 Corinthians 1:27

"RNA-world theory--Even here problems exist.
Jack Szostak, 2009 Nobel laureate for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase, noted that according

to the RNA World Hypothesis, RNA was a key molecule that was utilized by the earliest life on Earth to store genetic information and to catalyze chemical reactions. 
This raises the question, however, of how RNA formed under prebiotic conditions on the early Earth.
In fact, the issue of the complete synthesis of RNA nucleotides has been a major stumbling block for the RNA World Hypothesis. The sugar found in the backbone of both DNA and RNA, ribose, has been particularly problematic, as the most prebiotically plausible chemical reaction schemes have typically yielded only a small amount of ribose mixed with a diverse assortment of other sugar molecules."

Sunday, August 25, 2019


"What a terrible list of sins are on the record books of heaven.
If you and I were to look at our own sins on our records, we would feel hopeless.
But, thank God, Jesus Christ will say to all who have confessed and repented, “I will blot out your sins.”
...our Advocate stands ready to wash away your sins, and when the times of refreshing shall come, to blot them out forever.
I John 2:1, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”"

Our Time....

"Our time belongs to God.
Every moment is His, and we are under the most solemn obligation to improve it to His glory.
Of no talent He has given will He require a more strict account than of our time.
Life is too short to be trifled away.
We have but a few days of probation in which to prepare for eternity.
We have no time to waste,
no time to devote to selfish pleasure,
no time for the indulgence of sin.
It is now that we are to form characters for the future, immortal life.

It is now that we are to prepare for the searching judgment.
The human family have scarcely begun to live when they begin to die....time squandered can never be recovered.
We cannot call back even one moment.

Every moment is freighted
with eternal consequences.
The opportunity that is now ours to speak to some needy soul the word of life may never offer again. God may say to that one, "This night thy soul shall be required of thee," and through our neglect he may not be ready. (Luke 12:20.).

Life is too solemn to be absorbed in temporal and earthly matters, in a treadmill of care and anxiety for the things that are but an atom in comparison with the things of eternal interest.
Yet God has called us to serve Him in the temporal affairs of life. Diligence in this work is as much a part of true religion as is devotion.
The Bible gives no indorsement to idleness.
It is the greatest curse that afflicts our world.

Many who through diligent labor might have been a blessing to the world, have been ruined through idleness.
Lack of employment and of steadfast purpose opens the door to a thousand temptations.
--Evil companions and
--vicious habits
deprave mind and soul,
and the result is ruin for this life and for the life to come."
Christ's Object Lessons, E.G.W.

IN the NEWS - Chile's President's Uncle

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:3
"Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera, has urged for the Catholic Church to be investigated over clerical sexual abuse, and he gave his full support to new law that ends the statutes of limitations on abuse cases.

However, when it comes to the allegations made against his uncle, the world’s oldest living bishop, he’s having a hard time believing it.
Archbishop Bernardino Piñera, who served as Archbishop of Serena from 1983-1990 after previously serving as Bishop of Temuco, is being investigated by the Vatican over allegations that he sexually abused a minor 50 years ago. The news was announced by the Holy See’s embassy in Chile on Tuesday.
The Vatican’s announcement only confirmed that Piñera is accused of abusing a minor, but gave no further details about the accusation.
The archbishop had previously been accused by abuse survivors of covering up for his successor, former Archbishop Francisco Cox, who was removed from the priesthood."

Creation Moment 8/26/2019 - What God can do with this....

Think what God can do with these "mysteries" to us....just cracking the edges of God's Power.
But also what Lucifer, who likely knows these things, can also do....
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: Exodus 7:11,12

"Previously, physicists had teleported qubits, or quantum bits of information. Just as a standard bit in a desktop computer has two possible values, 0 or 1, a qubit has two possible states. Now
scientists have moved on, reporting in the Aug. 16 Physical Review Letters that they’ve teleported qutrits, which have three possible states.
Both qubits and qutrits have the weird quantum property of being able to exist in multiple states at once. But while a qubit can represent 0 and 1 at the same time, a qutrit can be a combination of 0, 1 and 2.
In the new study, the team teleported the properties of photons that had three possible states: The particles could have taken three different paths or all three at once.
Researchers have also previously teleported two different properties of a particle at once. By improving and combining these techniques, scientists might eventually be able to completely reproduce a particle in another location."

Saturday, August 24, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: UnBiblical "Personal Convictions"

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some "personal convictions" that are Unbiblical on the Streets of Babylon ....

"Bethel Church, led by Bill Johnson, is raising new concerns after it posted to its Facebook page on Thursday that its program for those who struggle with homosexuality has never had the message of “all must change,” suggesting that those who “feel fulfilled and happy as [they] are” aren’t required by God to repent. Bethel has raised many concerns over the years for its unorthodox teachings and
practices, such as “grave soaking” and the purported sightings of falling gold dust and feathers during services.
God loves all people, LGBTQ+ and straight. The message of CHANGED has never been ‘All Must Change,'” it wrote. “We share these stories specifically for Christians who are unfulfilled in identifying as LGBTQ+. For those of you who feel fulfilled and happy as you are, we love you!”
God doesn’t force people to change, and people — including Christians — shouldn’t force others to change, either. We stand against any and all forms of shame, manipulation, force, humiliation, or physical harm in so-called ‘ministry’ or therapy,” Bethel continued. “CHANGED is a safe space for Christians seeking an alternative to LGBTQ+ as they follow their faith according to their personal convictions.”

Inverse Relationship of the Success/Failure of the Reformation

The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
Zechariah 12:1

"Wycliff, Huss, Luther, -- the Reformers, -- stood upon the platform of "The Word of God, the whole Word of God, and nothing but the Word of God."
They abandoned the sophistries of the schools, and rested solely upon this declaration, which must be the basis of every true reform in all ages.

While this principle was adhered to,
--the Reformation succeeded gloriously:
--when the principle was abandoned, the Reformation suffered accordingly.
In the Word of God lies the strength of the work of God."

That word "also"

"In The Great Controversy, 413, we are told: “Turning again to the book of Hebrews, the seekers for truth found that the existence of a second, or new-covenant sanctuary, was implied in the words of Paul already quoted: ‘Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary’ (Hebrews 9:1).

And the use of the word “also” intimates that Paul has before made mention of this sanctuary.
Turning back to the beginning of the previous chapter, they read: ‘Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a Minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man’ (Hebrews 8:1, 2).
Here is revealed the sanctuary of the new covenant.
The new covenant was made by the Father and the Son, which was the plan whereby sin could be removed from the person and he could return to the kingdom of glory.
That covenant is carried out in the sanctuary in heaven. If we deny the sanctuary in heaven, then we take away our hope for salvation. When Jesus ascended to the Holy Place in heaven, the Jews refused to go there. They opened the temple on earth and started sacrificing again. That was a clear indication of their rejection of the new covenant."