Sunday, August 25, 2019

IN the NEWS - Chile's President's Uncle

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:3
"Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera, has urged for the Catholic Church to be investigated over clerical sexual abuse, and he gave his full support to new law that ends the statutes of limitations on abuse cases.

However, when it comes to the allegations made against his uncle, the world’s oldest living bishop, he’s having a hard time believing it.
Archbishop Bernardino Piñera, who served as Archbishop of Serena from 1983-1990 after previously serving as Bishop of Temuco, is being investigated by the Vatican over allegations that he sexually abused a minor 50 years ago. The news was announced by the Holy See’s embassy in Chile on Tuesday.
The Vatican’s announcement only confirmed that Piñera is accused of abusing a minor, but gave no further details about the accusation.
The archbishop had previously been accused by abuse survivors of covering up for his successor, former Archbishop Francisco Cox, who was removed from the priesthood."