Monday, August 26, 2019

"Foundation" Lesson

"A foundation was laid in Daniel 9:24–27, and God gave a probationary time to the Jewish nation.
 “God first sent His prophets to ancient Israel, but their message was not heeded, and as a last resort He sent His Son . . . .” Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, 94.
God had been sending prophet after prophet to keep His people on the foundation.
As a last resort, at the end of the 490-year period of Daniel 9, Jesus came to His people Himself to show them the foundation platform that they should be on, because they had left it.
Jesus told them that they did not know the time of their visitation. --Should this be a warning to us also?
--Should we be asking ourselves whether or not we know that the time of our visitation is near?"