Saturday, March 30, 2019

Congregations (by Geo-Political Regions) Marion County (Indianapolis, Indiana)

COUNTIES- (Marion)
For More Regions see Link:

      Roman Catholic - 40
Catholic Church, Indianapolis

       Eastern Orthodox - 2
        Serbian Orthodox - 2
        Bulgarian Orthodox - 2
 Greek Orthodox - 1

        Catholic Church/Byzantine Rite - 1
        Antiochian Orthodox - 1

         Ethiopian Orthodox - 1*
         Eritrean Orthodox - 2*

       Episcopalian - 10
       Anglican Church of North America -  2
       Evangelical Lutheran Church of America  - 14
       Lutheran Missouri Synod - 13
       Lutheran Wisconsin Synod - 1
       Free Lutheran - 1
       Evangelical Covenant - 1
       Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ - 1
                Presbyterian Church U.S.A. - 16
                Presbyterian Church America - 4
                Evangelical Presbyterian - 2
                Cumberland Presbyterian - 1
                Free Presbyterian - 1
                Reformed Presbyterian - 2
            DUCTH REFORMED
                 Reformed Church in America - 1
                 Christian Reformed - 1
                   Apostolic Christian Church - 1
                    Church of the Brethren - 1
                    Grace Brethren - 1
                    Mennonite - 3
       United Church of Christ - 11
       Evangelical Church - 4

       United Methodist - 51
       Free Methodist - 8
      African Methodist Episcopal Church - 8*
      African Methodist Episcopal Church of Zion - 5*
      Christian Methodist Episcopal Church - 8*
   New Apostolic Christian Church - 2
   Disciples of Christ - 36
   Christian Church & Churches of Christ  - 33
Disciples of Christ Church, Indianapolis

              American Baptist USA - 30
              American Baptist Association - 1
              Regular Baptist - 9
              Reform Baptist - 1
              Southern Baptist - 50
              Baptist/Converge Worldwide - 3
              Missionary Baptist - 5
              Free Will Baptist - 1
              Cooperative Baptist - 1
              North American Baptist - 1
              Alliance of Baptist - 1
              Progressive Baptist - 2*
              National Baptist USA - 21*
              National Baptist America - 11*
              National Missionary Baptist - 5*
              Full Gospel Baptist - 7*
             Calvary Chapel - 3 
             Grace Gospel Fellowship - 1
             Blueprint Bible Church - 1
             Grace Communion International - 1
             International Church of Christ - 1
             Wesleyan - 12
             Church of the Nazarene - 18
             Church of God (Anderson, IN) - 11
             Missionary Alliance - 3
             Churches of Christ - 36
             Churches of Christ (Holiness) - 1*
             Salvation Army - 3
             Assemblies of God  - 22
             Pentecostal Church of God - 2
             New Apostolic Church - 1
             Church of God (Cleveland, TN) - 12
             Church of God in Prophecy - 4
             Church of God in Christ - 21*
             Foursquare Gospel - 2
             Pentecostal Fire-Baptized Holiness Church - 1
             Vineyard Church - 3
              United Pentecostal - 11
              Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith -5
              Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus - 1*
African Methodist Episcopal Church, Indianapolis

              7th Day Adventist - 14
              Messianic Covenant Community - 5
                           Church of God Worldwide - 1
                           United Church of God - 1
                           Living Church of God - 1
International Council of Community Churches - 2
National Spiritualist Association of Churches - 2

CHURCH OF GOD (McDonough, GA) - 1

 Muslim - 10
 Judaism - 2
 Bahai - 1
 Buddhist - 5
 Hindu - 6

 Sikh -1

(* denotes what are labeled "Black Protestant")
The city of confusion is broken down:
Isaiah 24:10

2000 - (R) Bush/Cheney 51%-49%
2004 - (D) Kerry/Edwards 50%-50%
2008 - (D) Obama/Biden 64%-36%
2012 - (D) Obama/Biden 60%-40%
2016 - (D) Clinton/Kaine 62%-38%

Puritan Corner - Trees & Winter

It is said that in some countries trees will grow, but will bear no fruit because there is no winter there.
by John Bunyan (1628-1688)
For, lo, the winter is past,...
Song Of Solomon 2:11

101 Reasons for a Young Earth SERIES: 29

Q: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
A: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made, that they are without excuse:
Job 38:4/Romans 1:20
"Flume tank research with sediment of different particle sizes show that layered rock strata that were thought to have formed over huge periods of time in lake beds actually formed very quickly. Even the precise layer thicknesses of rocks were duplicated after they were ground into their sedimentary particles and run through the flume."

Biblical Suicide Prevention Series: #3

"What the Bible says: Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. . . . Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.”—Luke 12:6, 7.
Meaning: You are precious to God.
You may feel all alone, but God sees what you are going through. He cares about you—even if you have lost your will to live. “A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject,” says Psalm 51:17. God wants you to live because he loves you."

Luther Nails it on Genesis 6

"Read Genesis 6:1-8.
In verse 1 and 2 we hear how the “sons of God” (the Sethites)
found the “daughters of men” (the Cainites) to be attractive and so were taking them for their wives. God had separated Cain’s family from Seth’s family and yet, after some time, the sons of Seth began to intermarry with the daughters of Cain.

Luther writes: “Adam undoubtedly urged his descendants also to beware of the church of the evildoers and not to intermarry with the accursed race of Cain. For a time his descendants obeyed this advice or command. But when Adam had died and the respect for the remaining patriarchs declined, the sons of God (that is, those who had the promise of the blessed Seed and belonged to the blessed Seed) also yearned for marriages and affinity with the ungodly race.”

Luther also wrote, “the sin of the first world consisted in this, that men despised the authority of their fathers and took their wives from the Cainites, as many as they pleased and whomever they chose, obviously under the dominating influence of lust.”

In Genesis 8:21, the Lord echoes His words in 6:5, that “every intention of the thoughts of his [man’s] heart was only evil continually.” Luther says, “Hence we draw the universal conclusion that without the Holy Spirit and without grace man can do nothing but sin and so goes on endlessly from sin to sin.
But when there is also this added element that
--he does not uphold sound doctrine,
--rejects the Word of salvation,
--and resists the Holy Spirit,
then, with the support of his free will, he also becomes
--an enemy of God,
--blasphemes the Holy Spirit,
--and completely follows the evil desires of his heart.

ARCHAEOLOGY: Ancient Storms or Ancient Storm?

 .... the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11
What Really was the "Ancient Storm" that could cause such MASSIVE GRAVEYARDS and place Graveyards On Top of the Canadian ROCKY MOUNTAINS?...

"An international team of paleontologists has discovered an early Cambrian fossil site in China — the Qingjiang biota — that contains a variety of specimens, more than half of which are
previously undescribed. The fossil site rivals previously described Cambrian sites, such as the Burgess Shale of British Columbia and the Chengjiang fossil site in China’s Yunnan province, and should help to elucidate biological innovation and diversification during the Cambrian period.
The discovery of the Qingjiang site — new Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätte (a geologist’s term for a deposit of extraordinarily well-preserved fossils) — was made by Northwest University’s Dr. Dongjing Fu almost by accident.
The paleontologists were working in the mountains and came down to the banks of the Danshui River, located in Hubei Province, when they noticed some rocks had an odd pin-striped pattern — a telltale sign of layers of mud deposited rapidly by ancient storms similar to those found at the famous Chengjiang site.
One of the most incredible things about this finding is the pristine
condition of many of these specimens — fossils that haven’t been substantially affected by impacts of time, and in them you can clearly see soft tissues like eyes, tentacles and gills.”said Professor Robert Gaines.
The excellent preservation of the Qingjiang fossils reveals fine morphological details of some of the life-forms that lived in Cambrian seas,...the Qingjiang biota appears to contain a high proportion of jellyfish, or cnidarians, and comb jellies.

The Burgess Shale, a vast deposit of fossil-bearing rocks in the Canadian Rockies, was discovered in 1909. The Burgess and Chengjiang sites share only about 15 percent of the same taxa. 
But the Qingjiang and Chengjiang sites, are separated by only 1,050 kilometers today, share only 8 percent of their taxa. Even after 110 years of digging in the Burgess Shale region, paleontologists are still turning up rich new sites and bizarre new creatures."

Health Note - Is Pop Really That Bad?

 I wish above all things that thou mayest in health,
3 John 1:2

"Frequently drinking sugar-sweetened beverages (carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and sports
drinks) was associated with an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases and, to a lesser extent, cancers, according to a new study. Substituting one sugary drink a day with an artificially sweetened drink was associated with a slightly lower risk of mortality, but drinking four or more artificially sweetened drinks a day was associated with a higher risk of mortality among women.

Drinking water in place of sugary drinks is a healthy choice that could contribute to longevity,” said study lead author Dr. Vasanti Malik.....the researchers found that the more sugar-sweetened beverages a person drank, the more his or her risk of early death from any cause increased.

Compared with drinking sugar-sweetened beverages less than once per month, drinking one to four sugary drinks per month was linked with a 1% increased risk; two to six per week with a 6% increase; one to two per day with a 14% increase; and two or more per day with a 21% increase.

Each additional serving per day of sugar-sweetened beverages was
linked with a 10% increased higher risk of cardiovascular disease-related death.
Among both men and women, there was a modest link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and early death risk from cancer."

IN the NEWS - "Mindfulness" Invades Congress

The New Age Rooted practice of "Mindfulness" from eastern Mysticism has invaded our Congress. No one is criticizing it---YET, if someone, say like the President who has weekly Bible studies with some members of his cabinet engage in Christian religious activities, cyber-media comes unhinged as they have over it. A sign of the State of our Times....

"After going on a mindfulness retreat in 2008, Ohio Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan has become a vocal advocate in DC for the practice. Speaking with Business insider, Ryan explains the benefits mindfulness can have for veterans, schoolchildren and average Americans.
Tim Ryan:
The practice of mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. While your mind may try to go to the past or the future, you try to discipline your mind and to increase your awareness of the present moment, what's going on around you, but also what's going on inside of you, so you can better understand your own habits, your own emotional states.

Ryan realized that a space for contemplative practice was missing, not just on Capitol Hill, but also in his community. So he set out to change that. Now there is a Quiet Time Caucus every Monday that he often leads before Congress votes, and he has raised over $3.6 million in funding for mindfulness research and programs."

Creation Moment 3/31/2019 - HR8799 = More Planetary Uniqueness

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command,
that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
Hebrews 11:3NLT

"HR 8799 is a star located approximately 129 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Pegasus.

The star is part of a system that also contains a massive debris disk and four giant exoplanets: HR 8799b, c, d and e.
Unlike most exoplanet discoveries, which are inferred from analysis of data, HR 8799 planets are directly visible from Earth.
Further observations in 2009 and 2010 revealed the fourth planet, HR 8799e, which is about 10 times the mass of Jupiter.
It orbits 14.5 times farther from HR 8799 than the Earth is from the Sun and takes about 45 years to orbit the star.
The planet is thoroughly inhospitable — a hostile temperature of 1,611 degrees Fahrenheit.
Our analysis showed that HR 8799e has an atmosphere containing far more carbon monoxide than methane — something not expected from equilibrium chemistry,” Dr. Lacour said.
The astronomers found that the atmosphere of HR 8799e also contains clouds of iron and silicate dust.
When combined with the excess of carbon monoxide, this suggests that the planet’s atmosphere is engaged in an enormous and violent storm."

Friday, March 29, 2019

A.T. Jones Explains Paul's Appealing to "Caesar"

"..... and we will begin where the lesson stopped last night - Acts 25:11, with the words, "I appeal unto Caesar."
We followed the record last night from its beginning up to that point and found that in the common view of that subject, Paul never did appeal to Caesar.

After Caesar had taken him, Paul held Caesar to his own principles and laws.

Question from the audience: "Why did he even then appeal to his Roman citizenship instead of to his heavenly ambassadorship?"

What I am saying is that he did depend upon his heavenly ambassadorship and upon his heavenly King, until the Roman power had taken him under its jurisdiction, and then he simply held the Roman authorities to the Roman law. But in the common idea that has been held on this subject, you would get the idea that Paul appealed to his Roman citizenship on every occasion when there was any danger, when the fact is that he never did it at all.

Three times at least he received Roman scourgings and made no use of his claim to Roman citizenship, made no appeal whatever to the civil power.

But when he was taken into their hands and held under their control and kept within the power of Rome, then and not till then did he make any use of the Roman power. But then when the Roman captain was about to scourge him, which was unlawful, Paul said, It is not lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman and uncondemned. (Acts 22:25).

Under these circumstances and under no others did he ever make any appeal to or any use of the Roman power or make any use of his Roman citizenship.


101 Reasons for a Young Earth SERIES: 28

Q: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
A: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made, that they are without excuse:
Job 38:4/Romans 1:20
"The discovery that underwater landslides (‘turbidity currents’) travelling at some 50 km/h can create huge areas of sediment in a matter of hours (Press, F., and Siever, R., Earth, 4th ed., Freeman & Co., NY, USA, 1986). Sediments thought to have formed slowly over eons of time are now becoming recognized as having formed extremely rapidly."

Biblical Suicide Prevention Series: #2

"What the Bible says: Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.” Matthew 9:12.
Meaning: We should seek medical help when we are ill.
Suicidal thoughts may be a symptom of mental or emotional illness. Like physical sickness, this is nothing to be ashamed of. Mental and emotional illnesses can be treated."

IN the NEWS - Transgender Flag Replaces POW/MIA Flag in Congress

I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
Job 5:3

"Multiple Democratic lawmakers this week replaced POW/MIA

flags outside their Capitol Hill offices with a Transgender Equality flag to commemorate “Trans Visibility Week,” photos show. 
The move reportedly came at the behest of the “National Center for Transgender Equality.” The group tweeted Tuesday that it had delivered the flags to every member of Congress – even Republicans – with the request that they be flown outside their offices.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tweeted a photo of his office with the transgender flag displayed."

Creation Moment 3/30/2019 - Scientific Giants of God

"Modern science arose near the end of the medieval period. The
early scientists believed that a rational God had made a rational universe, and it was their job — using the words of Kepler, “as priests of the highest God” — to try and catalog what laws of the universe He had created.

Blaise Pascal was a brilliant mathematician in 17th century France. He is credited with  discovering principles that would ultimately lead to the creation of the computer.
Pascal said, “Faith tells us what senses cannot, but it is not contrary to their findings. It simply transcends, without contradicting them.” Pascal also said, “Jesus Christ is the only proof of the living God. We only know God through Jesus Christ.”

Isaac Newton, the discoverer of gravity and one of the greatest
scientists who ever lived, wrote more about the Bible and about Christian theology than he did science. Said the great Newton: “I have a foundational belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.”

The father of modern chemistry was Oxford professor Robert Boyle, born in 1627. Boyle was not only a diligent student of
chemistry, but a diligent student of the Bible. In his will he left a large sum of money to found the "Boyle lectures" for proving the Christian religion.

American Matthew Fontaine Maury is credited as the father of oceanography. He got his idea that the sea has “lanes” and currents from a verse in the Bible. Psalm 8:8 speaks of “the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.”
One time Maury gave a speech at the inauguration for a college in which he said, “I have been blamed by men of science, both in this country and in England, for quoting the Bible in confirmation of the doctrines of physical geography. The Bible, they say, was not written for scientific purposes, and is therefore of no authority in matters of science. I beg your pardon: the Bible is authority for everything it touches.” That includes, he said, physical geography, the earth, the sea and the air.”

Thursday, March 28, 2019

101 Reasons for a Young Earth SERIES: 27

Q: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
A: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made, that they are without excuse:
Job 38:4/Romans 1:20
"The Arches National Park (USA) has over 2,000 rock arches. If 43 have collapsed since 1970 and the linked article was written in 2015, that’s 45 years, giving a rate of collapse of ~1 per year, which means that all would be gone in ~2,000 years. This is thoroughly consistent with the Biblical timeframe but not the evolutionary one of millions of years (5 million?). Historical records of the ‘12 Apostles’ in southern Australia should allow a similar ‘clock’ to be calculated, albeit coarser than this USA park one."

Biblical Suicide Prevention Series: #1

"What the Bible says: A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress.”
Proverbs 17:17.
Meaning: We need the support of others when we have distressing thoughts.
If you keep your feelings to yourself, you carry a burden that can become unbearable. But if you share your feelings, you may lessen their intensity."

First Fruits of the Spirit

"In His great mercy,
God has spoken words of encouragement to the children of men.

To all who repent and turn to Him,
He offers abundant pardon.
Repentance for sin is the firstfruits of the working of the Holy Spirit in the life.
It is the only process by which infinite purity reflects the image of Christ in His redeemed subjects.
"This is life eternal." Christ declared, "that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)."
Sermon And Talks vol.1 E.G.W.

The "Really" File - (Baby "Bio-Hazrads"?)

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward....Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:
Psalm 127:3,5

"This video has been going viral in social media in recent days. The two women, who appear to be doing some form of yoga or an Eastern Mystic exercise, began by referring to babies as “bio-hazards.” According to them, it’s “wrong” for a woman to have a baby and stay home to care for it.

We have enough humans on the planet,” she said. “We don’t need any more humans. It is not okay for women to have babies and stop contributing to the process under the pretense that they’re doing a good thing by staying home and raising children. We don’t need children. If you find yourself pregnant, you have options and can have an abortion.”

The yogi (or whatever you call her) also said, “No babies. Cut off 
From the "Really" File
the baby factories. We have 7.5 billion – with a ‘b’ – humans on the planet. That’s too much. The actual ideal amount seems to be under one billion

There’s no indication that the two women arrived on planet Earth through some other means than being born a baby. Likewise, we are unaware if the two women are willing to give up their spots on this over-populated planet in order to make room for nature." Pulpit&Pen

IN the NEWS - See, they really do HATE God

Their problem isn't with Mr. Whatcott. It's GOD they HATE.
....neither shall a man put on a woman's garment:
for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
If the world hate you,
ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Deuteronomy 22:5/John 15:18

"A British Columbia human rights tribunal has ruled that a Christian activist discriminated against a man who claims to be "female" by distributing flyers that referred to the man, who was running for political office at the time, as a "biological male." 
The court ruled for transgender activist "Morgane" Oger, born Ronan Oger, and against Christian activist Bill Whatcott by declaring it’s discriminatory not to accept transgender people as the gender they claim to be.
In a 104-page ruling released Wednesday - the tribunal declared there’s no room for any public debate in the matter, according to the Vancouver Star.
The tribunal also ordered Whatcott to pay Oger $35,000 in compensation for injury to his “dignity, feelings and self-respect,” and an additional $20,000 to Oger for Whatcott’s alleged improper conduct during and before the hearings, it reported.
Whatcott, 52, described the tribunal hearing as a “kangaroo show trial” and said he’s not surprised by the decision."

Creation Moment 3/29/2019 - Agnostic Scientist Defends "God"

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Psalm 14:1

"An award-winning scientist recently told the world that science and religion are not incompatible.

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports (3/19/19), “The annual Templeton Prize, which recognizes outstanding contributions to ‘affirming life's spiritual dimension,’ was awarded Tuesday to Brazilian Marcelo Gleiser — a theoretical physicist dedicated to demonstrating science and religion are not enemies.”
Although he is described as an agnostic, the AFP reports that Gleiser “refuses to write off the possibility of God's existence completely.” He said, "Atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method…Atheism is a belief in non-belief. So you categorically deny something you have no evidence against…I'll keep an open mind because I understand that human knowledge is limited."

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

101 Reasons for a Young Earth SERIES: 26

Q: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
A: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made, that they are without excuse:
Job 38:4/Romans 1:20
"Limited extent of unconformities (unconformity: a surface of erosion that separates younger strata from older rocks). Surfaces erode quickly (e.g. Badlands, South Dakota), but there are very limited unconformities. There is the ‘great unconformity’ at the base of the Grand Canyon, but otherwise there are supposedly ~300 million years of strata deposited on top without any significant unconformity. This is again consistent with a much shorter time of deposition of these strata."

Truth about TRUTH

"Poverty may bind about the work,
because we abide by God's simple truth,
but there must be a firm adherence to the truth still.

You may have to drop men,
but not one thread of truth must be conceded.

Said the great Teacher, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" [Matt. 4:4].

Truth, eternal truth, is to be lived in the daily life.
The living principles are as the leaves of the tree of life,
for the healing of human woes."
Manuscript Releases vol.13,p.6 E.G.W.

Diaz: Early Spanish Lutheran Slaughtered

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.John 15:18
"To the Spaniards it were intolerable that one of their own should adhere to "our" religion, ..., like that of Juan Diaz, was a name of prominence.

     For Diaz abandoned his homeland. He abandoned all his relatives of the flesh, whom he loved as the daughters of his eyes. He abandoned his only brother - his twin - whom he loved above all others, to search for the heavenly kingdom. In place of riches and honor, he chose to be
humble, destitute and lowly, to seat himself at the threshold of the Lord's house in poverty.  But that generation of Cain - the Roman Antichrist, in league with the Spanish nation and our false German brothers - did track him down, and our dear brother Diaz, seeking the light eternal in Germany, was killed with exquisite perfidy by his twin and only brother, a Spaniard and Roman cleric, who came to this land as the special servant of the Roman Antichrist.
      Behold the impiety of the Roman Antichrist, his deceptions, his impostures. See how the words of God are fouled by the infinite stench, the idolatry, superstition and deceit of that Roman beast.
      They are shamelessly and stupidly perverted, disfigured by horrible tyranny, idolatry and impiety; they seek to snatch the truth from us with the claws and gullet of their great Roman beast. Impious pontiffs feed like hungry wolves, like roaring lions on the inheritance of the Lord. They dismember the sheep of the small flock of Our Savior. And the creatures of this Roman harlot, in its nefarious and incestuous copulation, are these perverse bishops, lost Epicureans, rapacious wolves, roaring lions, with their pleasures, delights, impostures and horrendous outrages. The parapets of this universal choir are manned by those accursed hooded beggars, wondrously ordained in their insatiable begging, with their impious and portentous fictions about invoking saints, bones of the saints, carvings and images, masses, their crude holy bread, the numerous and monstrous species of friars, indulgences, oaths, magical prayers, purgatory.
      Against us they smirk mockingly, they wag their heads, and stirred up by the Devil himself these abominable scum, this Antichrist and his slaves, these detestable instruments of God's wrath, insult us, abuse us, and seek to erase us from among the living, seek to erase from the earth those who cry the Lord's name."

From Luther's Ghost In Spain/J.Longhurst