Saturday, March 30, 2019

IN the NEWS - "Mindfulness" Invades Congress

The New Age Rooted practice of "Mindfulness" from eastern Mysticism has invaded our Congress. No one is criticizing it---YET, if someone, say like the President who has weekly Bible studies with some members of his cabinet engage in Christian religious activities, cyber-media comes unhinged as they have over it. A sign of the State of our Times....

"After going on a mindfulness retreat in 2008, Ohio Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan has become a vocal advocate in DC for the practice. Speaking with Business insider, Ryan explains the benefits mindfulness can have for veterans, schoolchildren and average Americans.
Tim Ryan:
The practice of mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. While your mind may try to go to the past or the future, you try to discipline your mind and to increase your awareness of the present moment, what's going on around you, but also what's going on inside of you, so you can better understand your own habits, your own emotional states.

Ryan realized that a space for contemplative practice was missing, not just on Capitol Hill, but also in his community. So he set out to change that. Now there is a Quiet Time Caucus every Monday that he often leads before Congress votes, and he has raised over $3.6 million in funding for mindfulness research and programs."