Saturday, March 30, 2019

Luther Nails it on Genesis 6

"Read Genesis 6:1-8.
In verse 1 and 2 we hear how the “sons of God” (the Sethites)
found the “daughters of men” (the Cainites) to be attractive and so were taking them for their wives. God had separated Cain’s family from Seth’s family and yet, after some time, the sons of Seth began to intermarry with the daughters of Cain.

Luther writes: “Adam undoubtedly urged his descendants also to beware of the church of the evildoers and not to intermarry with the accursed race of Cain. For a time his descendants obeyed this advice or command. But when Adam had died and the respect for the remaining patriarchs declined, the sons of God (that is, those who had the promise of the blessed Seed and belonged to the blessed Seed) also yearned for marriages and affinity with the ungodly race.”

Luther also wrote, “the sin of the first world consisted in this, that men despised the authority of their fathers and took their wives from the Cainites, as many as they pleased and whomever they chose, obviously under the dominating influence of lust.”

In Genesis 8:21, the Lord echoes His words in 6:5, that “every intention of the thoughts of his [man’s] heart was only evil continually.” Luther says, “Hence we draw the universal conclusion that without the Holy Spirit and without grace man can do nothing but sin and so goes on endlessly from sin to sin.
But when there is also this added element that
--he does not uphold sound doctrine,
--rejects the Word of salvation,
--and resists the Holy Spirit,
then, with the support of his free will, he also becomes
--an enemy of God,
--blasphemes the Holy Spirit,
--and completely follows the evil desires of his heart.