Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Diaz: Early Spanish Lutheran Slaughtered

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.John 15:18
"To the Spaniards it were intolerable that one of their own should adhere to "our" religion, ..., like that of Juan Diaz, was a name of prominence.

     For Diaz abandoned his homeland. He abandoned all his relatives of the flesh, whom he loved as the daughters of his eyes. He abandoned his only brother - his twin - whom he loved above all others, to search for the heavenly kingdom. In place of riches and honor, he chose to be
humble, destitute and lowly, to seat himself at the threshold of the Lord's house in poverty.  But that generation of Cain - the Roman Antichrist, in league with the Spanish nation and our false German brothers - did track him down, and our dear brother Diaz, seeking the light eternal in Germany, was killed with exquisite perfidy by his twin and only brother, a Spaniard and Roman cleric, who came to this land as the special servant of the Roman Antichrist.
      Behold the impiety of the Roman Antichrist, his deceptions, his impostures. See how the words of God are fouled by the infinite stench, the idolatry, superstition and deceit of that Roman beast.
      They are shamelessly and stupidly perverted, disfigured by horrible tyranny, idolatry and impiety; they seek to snatch the truth from us with the claws and gullet of their great Roman beast. Impious pontiffs feed like hungry wolves, like roaring lions on the inheritance of the Lord. They dismember the sheep of the small flock of Our Savior. And the creatures of this Roman harlot, in its nefarious and incestuous copulation, are these perverse bishops, lost Epicureans, rapacious wolves, roaring lions, with their pleasures, delights, impostures and horrendous outrages. The parapets of this universal choir are manned by those accursed hooded beggars, wondrously ordained in their insatiable begging, with their impious and portentous fictions about invoking saints, bones of the saints, carvings and images, masses, their crude holy bread, the numerous and monstrous species of friars, indulgences, oaths, magical prayers, purgatory.
      Against us they smirk mockingly, they wag their heads, and stirred up by the Devil himself these abominable scum, this Antichrist and his slaves, these detestable instruments of God's wrath, insult us, abuse us, and seek to erase us from among the living, seek to erase from the earth those who cry the Lord's name."

From Luther's Ghost In Spain/J.Longhurst