Friday, December 7, 2018

SDA Issues- Pseudo-SDA's ban SDA's

To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee? Job 26:4
"Secrets Unsealed—who was an exhibitor at the 2017 Adventist Ministries Convention in Tuscon—has been denied exhibitor space at the 2019 Convention in Albuquerque, NM.  Here’s how it happened.

On September 5 of this year, Secrets Unsealed staff received a notice from NAD Media office, informing them that registration was now open for the 2019 Convention.

Secrets Unsealed staff tried to register online the very day of the notice.  It wouldn’t go through.  They called the NAD several times between September 5-13, only to be told that exhibitors are by invitation only, and the request would be sent to the person handling the booths.  So they waited.  No answer.

Secrets Unsealed made one last attempt this week by sending an email directly to Brad Forbes of Advent Source.  Brad was the person who helped them register for the 2017 Convention. 
He (Brad) wrote back and said their request to exhibit was denied.  Not denied by him, but by the "event leadership."  The only explanation given was that it is by invitation only, and the initial email was not an invitation. 
So an email announcement that registration is open is not an invitation to exhibit?"