Friday, December 7, 2018


The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away,... Isaiah 24:4

New Global System of Governance?

"New York City’s incoming socialist congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says there will only be benefits, and no costs, to passing a raft of new climate change laws. In particular, she said, a new system of global warming governance will usher in
economic, social, and racial justice.”...also suggesting the federal government should nationalize technology the automaker Tesla developed following its receipt of tax subsidies.
The comments came during a recent Bernie Sanders-hosted symposium on global warming.
The incoming congressman did not elaborate on how laws aimed at curbing global warming would create “economic, social, and racial justice.” 
Ocasio-Cortez has likened her envisioned global warming programs to another New Deal, or as she calls it, a “Green New Deal.” 
I believe that the progressive movement is the only movement that has answers right now,” she said. “We're the only ones that are drawing from the lessons of history, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, from some of the most ambitious projects that we have pursued in American history. And that truly again is the scale that it's going to take.”
Ocasio-Cortez also suggested the federal government should nationalize Tesla’s technology, following the company’s receipt of tax subsidies.
It’s past time, she said, that the government gets its “due” for this “investment.”
I think that there's so much work that has been done and there are some outlying questions, especially when it comes to investment in technologies, when we as a public choose to invest in private — when we as a public choose to invest in new technologies, we deserve a return on that investment,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And for far too long we gave money to Tesla, we gave money to a ton of people, and we got no return on our investment that the public made in creating technologies. And it's about time that we get our due, because it's the public that funded and financed a lot of innovative technologies and that's another, you know, way to go."