Friday, December 7, 2018

Creation Moment 12/8/2018 - Genetic Chasm between Human and Monkey

In the beginning... Genesis 1:1

"Research has documented that the genetic difference between humans and what is claimed today to be our closest relatives, the chimpanzees, is enormous. Specifically, the difference is close to 15 percent of the 3 billion base pairs that make up the genome. This amounts to 350,000,000 genetic differences, which is equal to a
genetic chasm.

 So much for our supposedly close relationship with other life forms!...This technique has shown that
--the sequence variation between individuals of a specific species is very small and clustered,
--whereas the sequence variation between species is very distinct, even for closely related species. 

The study found only a minute average genetic difference in mitochondrial sequences exists between any two of Earth’s 7.6 billion humans.
The typical difference within each of the 100,000 species they studied, including humans, is a mere .01% or 1 in 1,000 DNA base pairs that make up a DNA sequence....They add that this finding is another example of the major gaps between existing life forms: “Genetically the world ‘is not a blurry place.’ Each species has its own specific mitochondrial sequence and other members of the same species are identical or tightly similar . . . .  species are ‘islands in sequence space’ with few intermediate ‘stepping stones’” between them.

They even concluded that the mtDNA is so distinct that it should be the preferred way to define a species.
In short, differences between two species are about the same as the average genetic difference between any pair of any of the 100,000 animals they sequenced, including house sparrows, pigeons or robins. In short they concluded the results indicate that all life, including humans, originated close to the same time from between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, supporting the Genesis creation account. The difference is, creationists do not push back the date of life’s origin nearly that far in the past, but the other conclusions are the same." CEH