Wednesday, December 5, 2018

IN the NEWS - Fascism in Austin

Wasn't all this predicted by observers just a few years ago?...that the gay marriage movement would be used to force Christian organizations into accepting LGBT?...what happened to those at the time who claimed that would never happen?...that churches would be able to maintain their religious constitutional rights?....well, they LIED...For without...whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:15....they always intended to go down this route....

"A Christian organization has sued the city of Austin in federal court in hopes of overturning a nondiscrimination ordinance that offers employment protection based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Houston-based U.S. Pastor Council argued that the ordinance is unconstitutional and invalid because it does not include a religious exemption for 25 member churches in Austin that refuse to hire gay or transgender people as employees or clergy.
These member churches rely on the Bible rather than modern-day cultural fads for religious and moral guidance,” said the lawsuit, filed over the weekend in Austin federal court. “They will not consider practicing homosexuals or transgendered people for any type of church employment (or position in the clergy).”
Unless an exemption is included to honor the sincere religious beliefs of such churches, Austin should be blocked from enforcing its employment nondiscrimination ordinance for violating the free exercise of religion by subjecting member churches to fines and other penalties, the lawsuit argued.
Any law that purports to regulate church hiring decisions inflicts injury in fact by restricting the church’s autonomy,” the lawsuit said." P&P