Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Health Note - Fruit, Vegetables & Memory

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health, ...
3 John 1:2
 "Vegetable, fruit, and orange juice consumption may be associated with a lower risk of memory loss in men, according to a new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The participants were divided into five groups based on their fruit and vegetable consumption.
--For vegetables, the highest group ate about six servings per day, compared to about two servings for the lowest group.
--For fruits, the top group ate about three servings per day, compared to half a serving for the bottom group.

The men who consumed the most vegetables were 34% less likely to develop poor thinking skills than the men who consumed the least amount of vegetables.

The men who drank orange juice every day were 47% less likely to develop poor thinking skills than the men who drank less than one serving per month.

We also found that people who ate larger amounts of fruits and vegetables 20 years earlier were less likely to develop thinking and memory problems, whether or not they kept eating larger amounts of fruits and vegetables about six years before the memory test,” Dr. Yuan and colleagues said."