Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Creation Moment 12/5/2018 -George Washington Example

In the beginning God...Genesis 1:1

"There’s no neutral ground—not when it comes to interpreting origins. Everyone must interpret the evidence through a worldview or a belief system about the past.

The two basic starting points are
--God’s Word or
--man’s word.

The argument of “science vs. religion” attempts to paint evolution as a scientific fact and creation as a religious fairy tale.

However, both evolution and creation are belief systems about the past.
*Particles-to-person evolution is an idea of men based on anti-God and anti-biblical philosophies, such as naturalism and materialism.
*Creation is based on the Bible, which claims to be the Word of the Creator God.

The scientific method cannot prove evolution or creation since both are in the category of historical (origins) science (rather than
operational science—think scientists in lab coats, making predictions and conducting experiments).
When someone challenges Voddie Baucham by saying, “You can’t prove the Bible by the scientific method,” he responds that you couldn’t prove that George Washington was the first US president by the scientific method, which requires something that is observable, measurable, and repeatable.
History isn’t judged by the scientific method but by another set of evidences, such as eyewitnesses."