Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Nimrod - Pawn of Lucifer

"Nimrod is the father of human deification.  
He forced his subjects to worship him as a god and his wife as a goddess.  
--He became the sun god and the god of warfare after his death.  
--His wife was deified as the fertility and love goddess and they worshiped for thousands of years after their death.  
Nimrod established the ‘mystery religion of Babylon’ that included human deification,
child and human sacrifice,
idol worship, ....  

He coerced the unwilling to accept these things and killed many who believed in the true God of creation – the God of Noah.  The ultimate abomination – the Tower of Babel described in Genesis chapter 11 – finally elicited God’s judgment and the dispersion of mankind around the world.  
the inventions of warfare,
human deification,
and ancient pyramids were exported around the world also.  
These were used by the ‘the prince of this world’ (satan) to perpetuate false religions from the dawn of the post-diluvian civilization to this present time.  History and archaeology have chronicled the worldwide spread of all of this."
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth. 1 Chronicles 1:10