Monday, January 23, 2017

Daniel, Revelation & the U.S.

This article, by SDA Steve Wohlberg, is from Charisma.....wonder if they know he is an SDA & is NOT referring to these prophecies in the context of the mythical "secret rapture"? ha ha Charisma Magazine....

"Does the Bible itself pinpoint America—the most powerful nation on earth—in its apocalyptic
prophecies? Bible expert, international speaker and bestselling author of over 30 books, Steve Wohlberg, executive producer of Startling Prophecies for America, with compelling evidence, affirms exactly that.
"The ancient nations of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome," reports Wohlberg, "are clearly mentioned in Bible prophecy." In the book of Daniel, chapter 7, these nations are symbolized by a winged lion, a bear, a leopard and a dragon-like beast (verses 4-7). "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth," states Daniel 7:23b. Thus a "beast" in prophecy symbolizes a great nation. Wohlberg then examines Revelation 13:11, which predicts: "Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon."
Read Revelation 13:11-17 for yourself. This new "beast" (nation) "comes up" (rises into power) in the end times (see verse 16), has "horns" without crowns (is not a monarchy ruled by kings, compare with verse 1), has lamb-like, Christian features (mildness, promotes religious freedom), achieves superpower status (verse 16), influences the global economy (verse 17), yet finally "speaks like a dragon" in its descent into tyranny as it enforces an apocalyptic "mark" upon earth's citizens (verses 16,17). "No other nation on earth today," affirms Wohlberg, fits the specifications of this prophecy like the United States of America." Charisma