Monday, January 23, 2017

MINISTRY OF HEALING: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 30

Choice and Preparation of the Home  


The gospel is a wonderful simplifier of life's problems. Its instruction, heeded, would make plain many a perplexity and save us from many an error.

Life in the cities is false and artificial. The intense *passion for money getting, *the whirl of excitement and pleasure seeking, *the thirst for display, *the luxury and extravagance, all are forces that, with the great masses of mankind, are turning the mind from life's true purpose. They are opening the door to a thousand evils. Upon the youth they have almost irresistible power.  Holidays are numerous; games ...draw thousands, and the whirl of excitement and pleasure attracts them away from the sober duties of life. Money that should have been saved for better uses is frittered away for amusements.

Instead of dwelling where only the works of men can be seen, where the sights and sounds frequently suggest thoughts of evil, ...go where you can look upon the works of God. Find rest of spirit in the beauty and quietude and peace of nature.
God loves the beautiful. He has clothed the earth and the heavens with beauty, and with a Father's joy He watches the delight of His children in the things that He has made. He desires us to surround our homes with the beauty of natural things.

Plan for the entertainment of the guests whom Christ has bidden us welcome, and of whom He says, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. Matthew 25:40