Monday, January 23, 2017

IN the NEWS - Green Catholicism Mobilizes

Below is an article about Green Catholics mobilizing. We've been saying that the counterfeit Sabbath will likely end up being a GREEN Sabbath, or at least have a GREEN tinge to it. Picture these people urging a return to God due to natural calamities, and then injecting this angle to reach out to those who blame it on so-called climate change rather than an angry God. One can see how the two sides unite around a common goal and end up all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

"Catholic groups were among dozens mobilizing to prevent any rollback of laws and international agreements protecting the environment in response to President Donald Trump’s campaign promises to undo directives that he believes hinder business development.
The groups, ranging from individual religious congregations to advocacy organizations, are stressing that the country has a moral responsibility to keep environmental protections in place and to
strengthen them to protect the planet and people in poor and vulnerable communities already affected by climate change.
Among the voices is the Catholic Climate Covenant. Dan Misleh, covenant executive director, told Catholic News Service that Catholic organizations are utilizing petitions, sign-on letters, op-ed columns and letters to the editor to add the Catholic voice to the conversation to “maintain and expand” efforts to reduce carbon dioxide pollution, increase energy conservation and boost the use of renewable energy.
Ten Catholic organizations signed on, including the Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach; Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States; Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Western American Province; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Leadership Conference of Women Religious; and Franciscan Action Network.
The letter’s request falls in line with Pope Francis’s call in his encyclical “Laudato Si'” about the necessity to protect God’s creation and to respond to the needs of poor people experiencing negative effects because of climate change,” explained Scott Wright, executive director of the Columban center.
Faith-based organizations also are preparing to join the People’s Climate Movement, set for April 29 in Washington." CRUX