Saturday, December 10, 2016

How to TEST a Revival's Spirit

"In many of the revivals which have occurred during the last half
century, the same influences have been at work, to a greater or less degree, that will be manifest in the more extensive movements of the future. There is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that is well adapted to mislead. Yet none need be deceived.
In the light of God's word it is not difficult to determine the nature of these movements.
Wherever men neglect
*the testimony of the Bible,
*turning away from those plain, soul-testing truths
which require
*self-denial and
*renunciation of the world,

there we may be sure that God's blessing is not bestowed. And by the rule which Christ Himself has given, "Ye shall know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:16), it is evident that these movements are not the work of the Spirit of God."
The Great Controversy, pp. 464-465 E.G.W.