Saturday, December 10, 2016

IN the NEWS - Return of the High Priest

The High Priest of the GREEN RELIGION, Al Gore, is making a return to his Hollywood Pulpit in 2017 to push more of his paranoid eschatology (end time events) into the public arena, and I would guess will likely be praised by the Roman Pontiff Francis (who released his GREEN Encyclical last year).

"Paramount will release the follow-up to Al Gore's documentary about the world's climate crisis in 2017.
The Sundance Film Festival will open with a follow-up to An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice
President Al Gore’s two-time Academy Award-winning documentary about the world’s climate crisis.
From Participant Media, and directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, the sequel follows Gore as he continues his decades-long fight to build a more sustainable future for the planet.  
Now more than ever we must rededicate ourselves to solving the climate crisis," said Gore in a statement.
Paramount Pictures will release the film in 2017.
The sequel will be part of the New Climate section at Sundance, the festival's first-ever program built around a specific theme — in this case, climate change and environmental preservation, a defining issue for Sundance Institute president and founder Robert Redford." HollywoodReporter
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6