Saturday, December 10, 2016

SDA Issues - One, Two Punch (Civil War)

---WARNING--- to our Church
That we henceforth be no more children,
tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men,
Ephesians 2:14

Lucifer has thrown a one-two punch at the Church.....a 3-way CIVIL WAR

First Punch, the "Progressive" Left...the ENEMY WITHIN.....which pushes for open HERESY & APOSTASY (many theologians, Spectrum Magazine, Adventist Today, GODencounters, One Project, La Sierra, Charles Scriven, Sam Lenoir, Julius Nam, David Larson, John McClarty, Dan Jackson at NAD, Etc.).

Characteristics: (they usually all hold to most of these)
---the hot issues right now---
Women Ordination
Push for acceptance of the LGBT movement
Ecumenical push
---other issues past & present---
Celebration Services
Dismissal and/or Downplaying of Doctrines
Emergent Church rhetoric/Spiritual Formation/"Discipleship" techniques
The "New Theology" (SDA form of "cheap grace")
Hostility towards the SOP
Praising real genuine Heretics (such as Desmond Ford, Ray Cottrell, Ryan Bell, etc.)
Bristle at the term "Remnant" when applied to the Church
Push for bringing the "GREEN GOSPEL" into the Church
Embarrassed to identify the Little Horn/Beast of Revelation publically
Redefining the Church's view on the nature of Christ

Second Punch, the "Independent" Right.....which are used to cause strife among the people we need in the Church to help push back against the Heresies of the theological left....(Many-but NOT all independent movements).
Characteristics: (not all those agree or hold to all of these)
---The hot issues right now---
The FALSE DOCTRINE of the ERRONEOUS 2520 "prophecy" advocated
Assault on the Trinitarian Godhead (usually they are Binitarian)
---other issues past & present---
Push for keeping the 7 Jewish Feasts
The so-called "Wednesday" Crucifixion
That the SDA Church itself is "Babylon"

So....Q: Who are some of the mainstream theological Conservatives who hold to the Biblical doctrines of the Church, including Creationism, the 3 Angel's Message emphasis & the Sanctuary Doctrine, ....but reject the Heresy of all the theological Left....and have nothing to do with the Errors of some of those on the Independent Right?
A: *Amazing Facts/Doug Batchelor *Whitehorse Ministries/Steve Wohlberg *Secrets Unsealed/Stephen Bohr *PTH/Dwayne Lemon *Amazing Discoveries/Walter Veith *Evangelist Randy Skeete *Books by the Standish Brothers *It Is Written/John Bradshaw *Voice of Prophecy under Shawn Boonstra *GYC *AdVindicate, & many more...(Clifford Goldstein?)

BTW- Who are the "COMPROMISERS"? (Compromisers here is used to refer to those who publically give lip service to the core doctrines of the Church but find a way to "compromise" with the theological Left on an issue or two, such as women ordination, etc.) ....Pastor Dwight Nelson at the Andrews University Church, theologian Jan Paulien, at Loma Linda........