Friday, October 7, 2016

IN the NEWS - POLL: Confusion in Babylon

 .....Babylon is fallen, is fallen,....
Revelation 14:8
"The survey, commissioned by Ligonier Ministries, asked 3,000 participants a set of 47 questions about foundational Christian beliefs. Many of the answers revealed a mishmash of heresy and confusion about Christianity’s most basic doctrines.

Statement No. 6

God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

46% of self-identified evangelicals agree or somewhat agree with this statement.

Many Americans live with a great deal of theological confusion and even hold contradicting sets of beliefs. ----43% of people who agree that God is the author of Scripture also agreed that modern science discredits the claims of the Bible.

 Statement No. 39

Sex outside of traditional marriage is a sin.
Only 52% of self-identified evengelicals who attend church once or twice per month strongly agree with this statement.

Statement No. 40

Abortion is a sin.
Only 48% of self-identified evengelicals who attend church once or twice per month strongly agree with this statement.

Seventy percent of Americans agree there’s only one true God—one in essence, three in person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yet almost the same number believe God accepts the worship of all other religions, even those that deny the Trinity or worship other deities. Sixty-one percent correctly say Jesus is both human and divine, but half think that He’s also “the first and greatest being created by God,” rather than existing eternally, as Scripture and the ancient creeds of the faith teach.
More bizarre contradictions emerged: Over sixty percent of Americans say that God, Who cannot err, is the Author of the Bible. Yet fewer than half are willing to affirm that the Bible God wrote is “one hundred percent accurate in all it teaches.” Two-thirds admit everyone sins, yet also insist that most people are good by nature! Perhaps most oddly, half of Americans believe that only those who accept Jesus will be saved, yet sixty percent also say everyone will eventually make it to Heaven.

Yet huge percentages of these folks appeared to affirm major tenets of ancient heresies like Arianism. An astonishing seventy percent, for instance, say Jesus is a created being. Fifty-six percent say the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, “is a divine force but not a personal being.”