Friday, October 7, 2016

Eutychian Heresy in Modern Christendom

"Jory Micah is a feminist “theologian who has risen to promote egalitarianism and women in

Jory Micah
leadership. Many times, Micah reads the Bible in light of her feminism and not the other way around. Such a reading of Scripture will not only lead to numerous heterodoxies but will cause someone to believe and teach heresy. This has happened many times with her theology.

A dissection of her Master’s Thesis will show a few troubling doctrines. Besides a poor handling of God’s Word and a few points that rely solely on creating confusion about the text of Scripture, one thing that stood out was in her introduction, when she said, “While Jesus walked the earth as a male, there is no biblical evidence that Jesus’ glorified body is still male in Heaven.” Either she is claiming that Jesus is a transgender or she is claiming that Jesus no longer has a human nature, the Eutychian heresy. Either way, that statement is a Christ-related (Christological) heresy.
God reveals Himself as a male. Every single pronoun used for any member of the Godhead is a masculine pronoun. However, Jory Micah says in her Master’s Thesis, “God is just as much a Mother as He is a Father.”  ...She makes the argument that the Hebrew word for spirit is a feminine noun, therefore the Holy Spirit must be female (By that same logic, sin is female, as the Hebrew word for sin is feminine).  God reveals Himself in the masculine, and that is because He is male. If you want to make the case that God is a female because He is compared to a female at times, you must also make the case that He is a chicken (Luke 13:34), a door (John 10:9), and a lion (Hosea 11:10)."
Much more then,
being now justified
by his blood,...
Romans 5:9