Friday, October 7, 2016

Examine Yourselves

"Much is said about the "abomination of desolation" by today's Christians, and with the book of Revelation open in one hand, and an eye to the news cycle on the other, believers look for an outsider to fill the role of antichrist—failing to recognize that internal
apostasy has always been the cause of desolation among God's people.
Last-day events will follow the past in their march toward the final crisis. It's the reason that the book of Revelation is carefully and deliberately composed with the language and symbols of the past  In the last days, when the world wonders after a resurrected beast, it will not be only the wickedness of other belief systems that made it possible; it will happen because the hearts of God's people have been desolate for a long time. 
It is one thing to notice the abominations of the world. It is quite another to do a personal inventory as Paul suggests: "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith." 2 Corinthians 13:5"