Sunday, May 1, 2016

That "Sealed" Prophecy {Daniel Book 2}

....the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
Tell us, when shall these things be?
and what shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them,.....
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
 spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
stand in the holy place,
(whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Matthew 24:3,4,15
Chapter 1: Intro/written in Hebrew
Chapters 2-7: Book 1/written in Aramaic
Chapters 8-12: Book 2/written in Hebrew

Same Prophecy repeated 3 times: (Daniel 2,7 & 8-12)
 BOOK 1/Daniel 2 {Metallic Statue of 4 metals} & Daniel 7 {4 Beasts}-prophetic outline
Phase 1 in Book 1 of Daniel: (chapters 3,4)
Political powers caused those to worship an "image"/Nebuchadnezzar became a "beast"
CENTRAL THEME: God's people delivered from Fiery Furnace
Phase 2 in Book 1 of Daniel: (chapters 5,6)
"Fall of Babylon"/Daniel "persecuted" for true Worship
CENTRAL THEME: Daniel delivered from the Lion's Den

 BOOK 2/ Daniel 8-12 {Ram/Goat-Little Horn}-prophetic detail
...Daniel 8-2,300 year prophecy (538 A.D. - 1798 A.D.)
....Daniel 9-date for starting point of 2,300 years
....Daniel 10-behind the scenes struggle between Michael ("Prince" of His people) & the "Prince" of Persia (Lucifer, a counterfeit to "Michael"). Struggle to influence kings of Persia (likely over the decrees so the 2,300 days could begin on time based on this context).
......Daniel 11-Details of Timeline for Daniel 8's vision:
...............verse 1,2 Persia
...............verses 2-19 Greece
..............verses 20-29 Pagan Rome
..............verses 30-39 Papal Rome
.............................(vs. 31 Clovis makes "France" 1st Catholic nation/adopts breviary of Alaric)
.............................(vs. 32-39 1260 year persecution 538 A.D.-1798 A.D.)
.............................(vs. 34 "holpen with a little help" by the Reformation)
................verse 40 Deadly wound delivered by France (Irony here-France propped up the Little Horn & also gave it the deadly wound) and Deadly wound healed.
.................verses 41-43 Mark of the Beast
...................................(vs. 41 counterfeit trinity of spiritual Babylon- Dragon/Children of Ammon, Beast/Edom, False Prophet/Moab)
see link for details as to why Edom, Moab, & Ammon represent these
.....................................(vs.42,43 Rich, symbolized by Ethiopians and poor, symbolized by Lybians, cannot buy or sell without mark of the beast).
see link for details on why Ethiopia & Lybia represent rich & poor
................verses 44,45 Time of Trouble (the tidings out of the "north" here represents trouble and out of the "east" the return of Christ. The "kings of the east" referenced in  the 6th plague, Christ & His retinue, also as Christ said He would return as lighting that shines from the "east" to the west).
in other words-THE HANDWRITINGS ON THE WALL for Spiritual Babylon. They know it's coming.
.....Daniel 12- The End
...................verses 1-3 Judgment Ends (Michael standing up) and close of probation as the Time of Trouble as never was are the 7 Last plagues...(& notice vs.2 the 1st & 2nd Resurrections referenced as in Revelation 20 which bookcase the 2 sides of the millennium).
....................verse 4 Prophetic "book" to be "sealed" until the end. (This is Book 2 of Daniel).
....................verses 5-10 The End Times ("End times" to begin in 1798, at the end of the 1260 year prophecy vs.7.....the understanding of this prophecy in Book 2 of Daniel "sealed" until then vs.9).
....................verse 11 1290 year Prophecy (508 A.D. - 1798 A.D./Clovis set up 1st Catholic nation by adopting breviary of Alaric at his coronation by the bishops.)
see link for explanation
.....................verses 12,13 1335 year prophecy---508 A.D.- 1843 A.D. What happens? Daniel "rests" (death). Then stands in his "lot" at the end of these days. What comes after the end of those days ending in 1843? What comes next is 1844. Now Daniel stands in his "lot" before God.
BTW-WHY 508 A.D. as the starting point for the 1335 year prophecy? The previous verse gave us the 1290 year in context we use the same starting date since none other is given.

What "book" was "sealed" in Prophecy?
"In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was sealed is not the Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel commanded, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." Daniel 12:4."
Acts Of  The Apostles p.585 E.G.W.
That "portion" of the Prophecy "sealed" would be Book 2 of Daniel {Daniel 8-12}

The 4 Time-frame Prophecies of Daniel:
2300 Days/Years 457 B.C.-1844 A.D.
1260 Days/Years 538 A.D. -1798 A.D.
1290 Days/Years 508 A.D.-1798 A.D.
1335 Days/Years 508 A.D.-1843 A.D.
P.S.- The word "lot" in Daniel 12:13 has been interpreted by some to mean his inheritance. Others his judgment based on the use of casting "lots" on the Day of Atonement. Either way......of course both interpretations here would compliment each other....can't receive your inheritance until you pass your judgment...also, since the judgment begins after 1843 (began in 1844), then no one could receive their inheritance until after then.
  1. lot
    1. lot - pebbles used for systematically making decisions
  2. portion
  3. lot, portion (thing assigned by casting lots)
  4. recompense, retribution
 gôwrâl, go-rawl'; or (shortened) גֹּרָל gôrâl; from an unused root meaning to be rough (as stone); properly, a pebble, i.e. a lot (small stones being used for that purpose); figuratively, a portion or destiny (as if determined by lot):—lot.