Monday, January 4, 2016

Creation Moment 1/5/2016 - 5 Atheist Claims Series pt.1

"Claim 1. "
There is no evidence for God or design."
This is an arbitrary assertion, and a massive logical fallacy...

Atheists cannot prove that everything is evidence for naturalism, so they have zero basis for stating "no evidence" (as fact) for design.

And in fact, if mindless causation of the universe is untrue, what the atheist claims is evidence now, would ultimately prove to be no evidence at all! (No atheist can claim any sort of objective proof whatosever for mindless causation of the universe.)

In reality, both sides share the same body of evidence, but have different interpretations... The real question therefore has *never* been one of availability of evidence!

...Rather, a rational approach to the issue would be to ask, "What is the most logical

inference or conclusion *from* our mutual body of evidence?" Atheists don't like this approach, because it's very easy to demonstrate that intelligence is far and away the most logical conclusion. So instead, they claim "no evidence" as a mantra of denial.
When faced with this logical argument, the atheist will often resort to arguing that what we claim as evidence, could just as easily be said to support a "flying spaghetti monster" or "pink unicorn"...

However, they have no basis by which to claim that design is more easily substituted with pasta and unicorns, as opposed to a big bang that is said to violate the laws of physics - which means that it too is supernatural by definition!...

"At a singularity, all the laws of physics would have broken down. This means that the state of the universe, after the Big Bang, will not depend on anything that may have happened before, because the deterministic laws that govern the universe will break down in the Big Bang." - Stephen Hawking

And secondly, intelligent causation is not an arbitrary idea picked from a hat. There are reasons why billions of people throughout the world believe in an all-powerful creator, but not flying pasta. And these reasons include corroborating evidences (along with self evident truths),......

When you encounter an atheist equivocating by replacing "God" with flying pasta or pink unicorns, you can be certain that they've completely abandoned rational discourse."

Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?
James 3:13