Sunday, January 3, 2016

The "Really" File - (Scoffing the Resurrection?)

Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
1 Corinthians 15:12,13

"“Apparently, because I don’t believe in a literal resurrection, I’m not really Christian,” Jim Rigby of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas wrote on social media on Dec. 25.

He had explained in a post two days prior, “I don’t literally believe the cadaver of Jesus got up again, but I do believe the resurrection actually happened when the disciples began to see ‘Christ’ in each other, and in everyone else as well.”

God loves us very much, but mindless obedience is VERY important to God". .... Rigby wrote. “But God has a son named Jesus who asked God to abuse Him instead. And so God killed Jesus in our place. And we call this story the ‘good news.'”

From the "Really" File
All that matters is that we admit that we are worthless trash, but that Jesus likes us anyway. Oh, and we have to LITERALLY believe Jesus’ corpse got up. … So, anyway, if you believe the ‘good news,’ your physical cadaver will get up too. Hopefully someone will remember where you are buried and come dig you up,” he scoffed.

Rigby, who supports homosexuality and evolutionary beliefs,....“[P]lease go on and have a good time in heaven without me,” Rigby wrote. “I’ll try to keep down my screams of agony.”
Some supported the Presbyterian minister following his comments.
Thanks for sharing this. Brilliant. I look forward to being in the wok of woe with all you other fools,” one commenter wrote." ChristianNews