Sunday, December 20, 2015

SDA News - Hitting the big 5-0 in 20015

"In early 1965, a small group of clergymen gathered together in Baltimore, Maryland to talk about
the ineffective outreach efforts that were stagnating churches in their area. Among those meeting were visionaries Cyril Miller and Bill May.
Over the next few weeks, during sessions of earnest prayer, the idea of Amazing Facts was born. For the past 50 years this international, multimedia ministry has delivered a distinct last-day message to every corner of the globe. From a small basement office in Maryland to a bustling office complex outside Sacramento, California, Amazing Facts has changed in size and scope, but its Christ-centered mission is still the same. 
In every area of outreach—whether radio or TV programs, publications, prophecy seminars, training programs, the Correspondence Bible School, or the Internet—Amazing Facts remains committed to giving people the biblical answers they need to make an intelligent and heartfelt decision for Christ and to equip them to lead others to Him." ANN
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
 world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Matthew 24:14